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2745 questions about English

  • Is intonation an important aspect of the learning process when an English speaker learn italian?

    For me,is a big YES. What do you think? Lets discuss it together;)

    Best answer

    Yes it is important. This is based on the reason you are learning the language. It's always key to be the best. Intonation will get you there!

  • Why English is an International language؟?

    Becuase of five points: 1:- The biggest Power in the world. 2:- The biggest army in the world. 3:- The biggest economic in the world. 4:- The highest Education in the world. 5:- The highest technology in the world. Every nation that cover the above points it language will be an International language. Thanks a lot for reading.

    Best answer

    Many countries have the language as a result of colonialism. As for it's use as a second language worldwide, there are a few factors. The following inventions were British - television, telephone, computers, internet (all the worlds main communication devises, and most social media is from the USA) The industrial revolotion made Britain wealthier than other colonial powerhouses of the era. This development has kept the language's influence. The wealth and power of the USA has continued the trend.

  • I'm new to the platform so could anyone advise me on how to get students?

    I've been teaching on Preply and learned about LiveXP on Reddit and decided to give it a try. On Preply, there's a page where you can reply to students looking for teachers but this platform doesn't have that feature so I'm just wondering, how do teachers find students on this platform? Any advice on this matter will be appreciated.

    Best answer

    Welcome to the platform Tiffany! To enhance your profile and attract students, consider creating a welcoming introduction video. Smile, highlight your expertise by uploading certificates, and clearly mention your niche and target students. Remember, your first student and trial lesson set the tone, so make them exceptional! (no pressure HA!) .. And don't hesitate to ask satisfied students for positive reviews. Wishing you all the best :)

  • Check your English level for free

    Take our quick and free test to find out your current level of English

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  • What do you say when reacting politely to a really bad (Xmas/New Year/ Birthday) gift from someone?
    Best answer

    With a big smile and say thank you so very much.

  • Make a sentence with 'pong'.
    Best answer

    A little bit weird in the cabin, that bear pong.

  • Learners in what way do you practice English outside of class?

    What is most valuable to you speaking or writing?

    Best answer

    One way to practice English outside of class is to mimic dialogues, learn a song, try tongue twisters and don't hesitate!

  • Does a lack of sincere communication result in conflicts and human tragedies?
    Best answer

    I would say that it certainly plays a big role, but not necessarily true in some circumstances.

  • Can you recognise false friends when translating from English to Italian?

    Argument vs argomento? Camera vs room? Tell me new ones! 😀

    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Yes, 1.'Attualmente' DOES NOT MEAN 2.'Actually'Pretendere' DOES NOT MEAN 3.‘pretend’.Libreria' DOES NOT MEAN 4.‘library’.Sensibile’ DOES NOT MEAN 5.‘sensible’.Largo’ DOES NOT MEAN 6.‘large’.Lettura’ DOES NOT MEAN ‘lecture’. 7.Finalmente’ DOES NOT MEAN ‘finally 8.’Discussione’ DOES NOT (always) MEAN ‘discussion’ 9..Confidenza’ DOES NOT (always) MEAN ‘confidence’.

  • How do you teach critical thinking and problem-solving to adults?
    Best answer
  • How do you incorporate critical thinking skills into your lessons?