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8 questions about Hebrew

  • What is the difference between "ואילו" "לעומת" and "בניגוד ל" in sentences?

    Please give sentences and examples in Hebrew! Thanks! מה ההבדלים בין "",ואילו "לעומת", ו"בניגוד ל"? בבקשה תנו לי דוגמאות ומשפטים! תודה

  • was bedeutet eigentlich genau: Be scha'a tova? (al tebalbeli li et ha moach weiss ich was es heisst!
  • What is the difference between ידידה and חברה beyond formal versus "girlfriend?"
  • When do you use zeh and when do you use zot?
  • When you're asking a question, when do you put ha'eem in front of your question and when do you not?
  • how to read
  • In biblical Hebrew grammar, is 'eloheinu' a suffixed form of 'elohim' or of 'eloha' or of both?

    Grace to you. I need your help. My research has shown that in Deut 6:4, the word used is eloheinu which is a suffixed form of a noun, meaning our God(s). My question is, is eloheinu the suffixed from of 'elohim' only or if eloheinu the suffixed form of both elohim and eloha? Sounds to me that eloheinu could be from both eloha and elohim (singular and plural). If you have no insight on this, could you kindly seek some answers from the Hebrew brethren you are connected to? Happy Sabbath, Rowan.---

  • What is this verb's stem?

    Hi! I am doing a study on Zechariah 12:10, and I am trying to figure out the verb stem for the word דָּקָרוּ Basically, I am trying to figure out if the verb is meant to be active (he loved) or passive (he was loved). After many YouTube videos, I am still uncertain. I looks like a qal stem, but the second vowel is a qamets instead of a Patach, Tsere, or Cholem, which is throwing me off. Would you be able to help? Also, would you be willing to explain how you reached your answer? It would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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