How do you teach critical thinking and problem-solving to adults?

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9 answers from our tutors

  • Give them a real world problem scenario to solve, something that is realistic to life, and ask them how would they solve this problem, and how they feel about i?

  • When it comes to critical thinking the way to teach adults is through puzzles; games like chess to get their mind to think deep. Problem solving would be to give them a scenario and ask them what would they have done? Or give them a maths equation to solve.

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  • 1) Math 2) Programming If they are really old for it. Then simple logic puzzles would do.

  • I always start with easy questions to elicit their prior knowledge then i build on improve and upgrade moving to +1. chek understanding and give questions that require Application. Now i feel sure they are ready to Hire Thinking Skills " Analysis. Evaluation and Creativity". I ask What do you think of.....? Is it righy or wrong? Do you agree or disagree? If you were in, what would you do?

  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    Role play. I will ask โ€œif you wereโ€”โ€” wirh โ€”โ€” problem, what would you do? Compare and contrast these two pictures Read a short story that puts someone in a dilemma, and ask how they would solve it.

  • Hey there! To teach critical thinking and problem-solving to adults, encourage them to question things, analyze information before deciding, communicate clearly, collaborate with others, apply what they learn to real situations, stay curious, reflect on their thinking, and see problems as opportunities for growth. Using practical examples, group discussions, and decision-making scenarios can enhance these skills, fostering a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability in real-life situations. Also ask them what will they do if this will happen in real life or what is the relation of the problem with real life . These kind of questions will then to think critically.

  • Hi there! I hope you are doing well. in order to teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills to adults, as a professional teacher you should encourage them to ask questions and show them how to find the answers by choosing reliable primary sources, this is the first, basic and simple way. also, as a professional teacher you should introduce common and accessible problems for discussion that require your students to apply the concepts and justify their opinions with provable facts. I hope you find this helpful. Thanks in advance, Mohammad Kalim Karimi

  • To teach critical thinking, first you need to know how your student normally thinks and what they like. You can then use some of their interests to provide content that they can understand and relate to easily. From this, the teacher can then encourage the student to reflect on their thinking by asking questions such as 'why do you feel this way?' 'Why do you think that?' and then ask them to consider alternative points of view and solutions. Challenging existing opinions and encouraging new thinking all help to build critical thinking skills.

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