I'm new to the platform so could anyone advise me on how to get students?

I've been teaching on Preply and learned about LiveXP on Reddit and decided to give it a try. On Preply, there's a page where you can reply to students looking for teachers but this platform doesn't have that feature so I'm just wondering, how do teachers find students on this platform? Any advice on this matter will be appreciated.

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9 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Welcome to the platform Tiffany! To enhance your profile and attract students, consider creating a welcoming introduction video. Smile, highlight your expertise by uploading certificates, and clearly mention your niche and target students. Remember, your first student and trial lesson set the tone, so make them exceptional! (no pressure HA!) .. And don't hesitate to ask satisfied students for positive reviews. Wishing you all the best :)

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