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27 questions about French

  • As someone who is currently learning Quebec french, what is the best way to understand spoken french

    I have been trying my best to learn french, of course I am not the best yet, but I am good with reading sometimes, not all of the time. But I cannot understand when people speak to me in french. Any useful tips would be much appreciated. My speaking is sometimes alright, I still struggle finding words as I dont know every single thing just yet.

  • Are you looking to learn French ? I, a french speaker would be happy to help...I speak 4 languages
  • Students, what is the biggest difficulty are you afraid of encountering in learning French ?
  • Hello dear French learners, how long have you been learning? What's your biggest challenge?
  • Are you willing to learn everyday French in communication? Contact me :))
  • what's Doux, I've heard it being used in many different ways
    Best answer
    NdriCountry flag: ci
    French tutor

    Le terme doux peut avoir différentes significations selon le contexte : exemple :Texture ou sensation agréable, gout sucré, caractère ou comportement agréable, son léger ou faible, soumis ou docile

  • What are some interesting affects your L1 has on your French accent?

    Mention your L1 as well

  • How can I practice French pronunciation effectively? I find it more challenging than English.
    Best answer
    Chloe Atamian
    Chloe Atamian Country flag: fr

    Try to find a French tutor or try to find videos on YouTube to hear the pronunciation

  • Hello, can you please tell me how to pronounce this word " ordinateur " ?
    Best answer
    Chloe Atamian
    Chloe Atamian Country flag: fr

    I cannot copy and paste the phonetics transcription idk But here is how I say it as a French native speaker Orrdeenater

  • What is your favourite french dessert?

    I am passionated about French pastry and desserts! My favourite is mousse au chocolat, how about yours?

    Best answer

    I must say, I loooove an éclair!!