Teach 1-on-1 lessons online. Get paid.

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  • Earn extra money with short trial lessons
More about LiveXP
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We teach 40+ languages:

Become a tutor in 3 easy steps

1. Choose from 40+ languages to teach

2. Install LiveXP app & turn on notifications

3. Upload your video introduction

Everything a tutor needs

Free to choose your teaching materials

Upload as many learning materials for your students as needed

No penalties for rescheduling lessons

If you can’t have a lesson, agree with your student on a new date

Powerful whiteboard by Miro

One of the best visual collaboration software to make your lessons the most interactive and engaging

Time-off periods when you need a break

Manage the time when you want to relax and recharge or are too busy to take on more

How it works

You set up your availability
Student books a lesson
You two have the lesson
You both confirm lesson
You get paid!

Earn an extra $10 for 30 minutes when students subscribe after a trial lesson with you

What tutors say about LiveXP ❤️

Grace Field


It's the best app I have ever worked with! It gives very complete instructions for teachers. Payments are always on time. The support team is incredibly friendly, hardworking and will always solve any issue that crops up. Above all, they are respectful and understanding. The app is very easy to follow.LixeXP has a vast audience from all over the world and not only that, the students are all so willing to learn. My experience with LiveXP has been and is the most remarkable!

Hajer Trabelssi


One of the best and most professional educational platforms I have worked with in language teaching. The customer service is very helpful and kind. The platform is user-friendly and flexible so it suits both the teacher and the learner. The website is good but the app requires some improvement as it is slow. I am sure, they are working on that as they are always eager to know about the users' reviews and feedback in order to improve and better their services.

Wendy Callagan


A friend recommended LiveXP to me a couple of months ago so I added my profile and prepared to wait. Within a few days, I was contacted by the mother of a student who I am now still teaching 10 weeks later. This company is a great place to work remotely as a language teacher. The lesson booking and payment systems are both excellent, and their support staff, when I've needed them, have been brilliant too. I couldn't fault this company.

Nura Hallak


My name is Nura and I am a tutor at LiveXP. As many other platforms as I have tried, nothing compares to LiveXP! First of all, customer service is beyond amazing. Extremely fast at responding and solving any issue. Unbelievably sweet representatives and my two favorites are Daria and Alex. The students are very polite and advanced. The only platform who doesn't take from your income! All the other platforms take 20-40 percent! I recommend LiveXP and only LiveXP!

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