Why English is an International language؟?

Becuase of five points: 1:- The biggest Power in the world. 2:- The biggest army in the world. 3:- The biggest economic in the world. 4:- The highest Education in the world. 5:- The highest technology in the world. Every nation that cover the above points it language will be an International language. Thanks a lot for reading.

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Many countries have the language as a result of colonialism. As for it's use as a second language worldwide, there are a few factors. The following inventions were British - television, telephone, computers, internet (all the worlds main communication devises, and most social media is from the USA) The industrial revolotion made Britain wealthier than other colonial powerhouses of the era. This development has kept the language's influence. The wealth and power of the USA has continued the trend.

  • English is the simplest language of languages and easy to understand.

  • Apart from all the replies I have seen, most people across the world speak English. If it is for business purposes or to pursue a career. English is one of the easiest languages to learn as it is a language with much expression.

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  • According to my students, English is the easiest language for them to master quickly, thus facilitating their international business and professional activities.

  • All of your words are true, but, I think at that time they chosed English as an international language, it was the only common language the people used for better communication and maybe it was the easiest one too. Nowadays, Chinese, Italian, Japanese etc are using as much as English.

  • if one were to pick a language that of the biggest power and economics at the moment this language should be Chinese. Necessity to learn English lies with the reality of it being truly the defaulted INTERNATIONAL means of communication. Still

  • Because of the following reasons; - English is a great utility in this modern world. - English provides a common platform for global communication that allows for seamless operations. - English is important for education - It is a language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy and tourism. - Lastly it is the language that enables international communication which facilitates sharing of cultures, beliefs, traveling amongst others. Thank you for reading

  • Many academic institutions worldwide use English as primary or secondary language of instruction, making it a crucial language for higher education and research.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    According to statistics shared by Babbel Magazine, the English language is spoken by 20% of the world’s population. Apart from being one of the most popular languages in the world, English is also the most commonly studied foreign language English becomes a world language because people in other countries give a special credence to English, even though they do not speak it as a first lan- guage. 🌍👌

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