Does a lack of sincere communication result in conflicts and human tragedies?

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I would say that it certainly plays a big role, but not necessarily true in some circumstances.

  • Part of it is a direct consequence of poor communication that may or may not be linked to the lack of knowledge, language or morals.

  • Certainly. So we should speak to each other sincerely and care for each other. We should tolerate differences and not get upset just because others are different from us or has opposite points of view other than ours. we should be honest with ourselves and others. we should negotiate without arguing. We have to discuss matters openly and give advice to those who need it. We should be wise when we advise others. We should address others according to their level of intelligence and Quality / quantity of knowledge they have so as not to put them off by our talks. We should respect all human beings without judging their race, religion, colour or gender. However , we should be cautious so as not to be decieved or tricked as Allah said, " wa kolo lilnas hosna." which means " say " Well" to people or address people in a good way." And our Prophet, Muhammad, Peace and Prayers from Allah be upon him, said, " Khatebo ilnas ala kadr ekoulihim" which means ." Address people according to their mind

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  • Absolutely,when people don’t express themselves honestly and clearly,it creates room for misinterpretation and resentment,which can escalate into large problems overtime .Honest and open communication is crucial for fostering understanding,trust and resolve conflicts before they escalate.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Poor communication can lead to tension and stress, as misunderstandings and conflicts arise.

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