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3214 questions about English

  • Title: Problems with speaking

    Hello folk! I'd like to know how can I improve my speaking skills. When it comes to chatting with the help of messengers there's no problem. The main issue is picking up needed words from my brain. I know most of them and can guess most of them and fathom them and understand. Maybe it's due to my memory abilities, or age, I'm 63 and my English is learnt by myself. I haven't graduated any university or school. Just my secondary school knowledge maybe. I'm Russian citizen though I'm not Russian by nationality, I'm avar, it's in South. I need a person who would spent his time becoming me a friend, of course I'm ready to pay. But close friend will be better. So, what would you advise me? Thank you

    Best answer

    Hi there. It's very nice to meet you. I have a few suggestions that you might like to try. If I understand the problem correctly, it's that you don't recall words when you are having a conversation or when you need them. The only way to improve this is to use these words more regularly. 1) Don't just read articles and watch movies. Take the time afterwards to describe / tell yourself what you've read or watched. Obviously you should deacribe it in English. It's better to do it aloud but you can do it in your head as well if that'll make you feel silly. 2) Find a magazine you like or instagram page with photographs of many different things. Describe them in English to yourseld as well. 3) You can record youself while speaking about a topic and then listen to it later and try and identify mistakes you made or words you should have used. 4) Try to read, watch, listen and speak about as many different topics you like and not necessarily the ones you like. -Nix

  • Hi! Does a word an opp have slang meaning?
    Best answer

    Opp is an abbreviation used in the streets for opposition or the opposite team. For an example, the enemy, is considered an opp.

  • what is correct payed attention or paid attention ?

    hi everyone ! can someone answer what is correct payed attention or paid attention ? thank you.

    Best answer

    Hi OliverParks The correct way to write it is 'paid attention.' In English regular verbs end in -ed when we write then in the past and sometimes the past participle form. Pay is, however, NOT a regular verb. It has its own special spelling when written in past and past participle form. It is spelt as 'paid'. Example: I hope you paid attention in class today because there will be a quiz tomorrow. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Kind regards Nicci

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  • Hello! What is the meaning of LOML?

    I saw in the text LOML and couldn't understand its meaning. Could you help me please?

    Best answer

    Hi Prokop. It does indeed stand for 'love of my life.' When someone is the love of your life it means that you will love them your whole life and you will never love anyone like you love them. It is an acronym/ internet slang. An acronym is a group of letters that stand for individual words. If you have any other question or if something was unclear please feel free to ask me. Kind regards, Nicci

  • Does word green have a slang meaning?

    Hey there! I’m not understood slang words and expressions so you help me. Do you know if green is slang meaning? Thanks you

    Best answer

    Hi Usman123. Green does indeed mean you have little experience in life or in a new job. To remember it I always think of trees. Trees are green when they are still small and not fully grown. (Inexperienced) There are some other uses meanings of the word green but I believe this is the most common. If you are looking for the meaning in a different context please feel free to ask me again. I hope this helps. Kind regards Nicci

  • What is comparative for cute? More cute or cuter?

    Need help. How to make the comparative correctly for the word “cute”? Is it “more cute” or “cuter”? Thanks!

    Best answer

    This adjective only has one syllable so you just say cuter... the general rule is that if an adjective as only one syllable, you just need to add 'er' or 'r' in this case since the word cute ends in 'e'.

  • What to say if someone coughs or sneezes?

    Hello! What should I say in English when someone sneezes or coughs to be polite?

    Best answer

    Hey, great question! Well, you actually have 3 high frequency options that are top notch to use anytime: first, if you believe in God, say "God bless you!" If you don't believe in God or you are afraid of offending someone who doesn't believe in God, say "Bless you!" And last but not least, a word in German that the English language has appropriated, "gesundheit!" Which basically means that you are wishing the person "health". All are totally acceptable in any situation that someone sneezes.

  • I'm confused with the words anyday or any day, which is correct?

    Is anyday a correct word? Or should I write it separately: any day?

    Best answer

    Any day is the more preferred when talking about a general time frame. Usually the term is used to describe something that is happening soon, as in the next couple of days, or any day. This is such an informal term that most dictionaries don’t list it as an actual term on its own. Unlike anytime, anyday has not made its way into dictionaries in any form. Argument could be made that if anytime is an adverb, then so is anyday. Like all informal slang, it is up to personal preference in informal works. However, until the time comes that it is included in a dictionary, it is best to keep the two words separate in formal works. For some, whether the writing is formal or informal.

  • What is the past tense of the verb "slip"?
    Best answer

    The simple present verb is SLIP. Normally, when we change a verb to the past tense, the simple past verb will have an "ED"added to it. BUT, because the word SLIP has only one (1) syllable, we double the last letter before adding the "ED". The same rule will apply for other one-syllable verbs such as: Stop - stopPED , Step - StepPED .

  • What is correct “talk to you soon” or “talk to you later”?

    Hello, dear teachers! Can someone please explain to me the difference between the phrases: “talk to you soon” and “talk to you later”? Where to use them?

    Best answer

    They are both correct. Usually talk to you soon is written in a letter when you haven't spoken to that person a while and talk to you later is to end a conversation.