What is correct “talk to you soon” or “talk to you later”?

Hello, dear teachers! Can someone please explain to me the difference between the phrases: “talk to you soon” and “talk to you later”? Where to use them?

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They are both correct. Usually talk to you soon is written in a letter when you haven't spoken to that person a while and talk to you later is to end a conversation.

  • Both "talk to you soon" and "talk to you later" are correct and commonly used. The choice between them depends on the context: - "Talk to you soon" implies that the conversation will likely happen in the near future. - "Talk to you later" is more general and doesn't specify when the next conversation will occur.

  • Both are correct. "Talk to you soon" implies a short timeframe , suggesting you will communicate again in the near future. "Talk to you later" is more general and could imply a longer timeframe before the next conversation.

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  • Both are correct! Soon and Later both indicate the same thing which is something bound to happen in the FUTURE. There is no difference between saying "talk to you soon" and "talk to you later". I hope this helps!

  • hello! both are correct, it depends on how use it. hope this helps.

  • Talk to you soon implies in the near future; Talk to you later could mean not necessarily in the near future. However, both are used generally to indicate you will talk to the person at another time in the near future.

  • Both can be correct, as they both make sense. 'Talk to you soon' implies less time in the future.

  • Talk to you soon implies in the near future; talk to you later could mean not necessarily in the near future. However, both are used generally to indicate you will talk to the person at another time in the near future.

  • Both, would be fine. It depends on the situation or your relationship with person.

  • Talk to you soon means in the near future; talk to you later could mean not necessarily in the near future. However, both are usually used to indicate you will talk to person at another time in the near future.

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