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2738 questions about English

  • How to run a class which all learners are outstanding ?
    Best answer

    I would suggest that you increase the complexity level of class activities by engaging them in tasks that require the use of their critical level skills and utilize the inquire - based approach. I hope these tips help!

  • What book do you consider that is perfect to practice your English vocabulary and pronunciation?
    Best answer

    All books are perfect for different individuals. It depends on the comprehension of someone.

  • What is your favorite part of the English language?

    I'm a teacher

    Best answer

    I love analyzing the words and their roots.

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  • What strategies do you use to engage students in an online learning environment?
  • Can you suggest some English-speaking movies or TV shows for language practice?
    Best answer

    Tv shows and movies works well especially for those who don't necessarily enjoy reading as much. It also shows students that you take interest in what works best for them.

  • Could you explain the use of tenses in English grammar?
    Best answer

    In English, the use of tenses lets you know if something has already happened, is happening right now, or is going to happen in the future. Tenses can also indicate if something is/was an ongoing event or something that happened momentarily.

  • What's the best way to practice listening comprehension in English?
    Best answer

    Comprehension is stories, teachers can read a passage or story to students and ask question based on the passage or story during class sessions. Should Students want to practice during their own free time, after class students use audiobooks to practice listening comprehension, improving their listening skills.

  • Outline the importance of "design down, deliver up" in English language teaching.
    Best answer

    Your goal with your student is what boils down to the importance of this design. As it is crucial and essential in teaching

  • Why do you want to learn English?

    Learning English can be for a pleathora of reasons, so let me know yours!!

  • what is the meaning of direct speech
    Best answer

    Direct speech otherwise known as quoted speech is repeating the exact words spoken by someone. Direct speech in its written form or when used in a sentence should be enclosed in quotation marks - (" ") Examples : 1). Tom said, " Miss Brown is always early for class. " 2. She asked, "Do you enjoy reading ?" 3. "It is the weekend, " she sighed, "but I have classes." Take note of the following: 1. Direct speech can be a simple sentence or a question as seen in examples 1 and 2 above, but it can also be divided in parts as seen in example 3 above. 2. The Quotation marks should appear at the beginning of the direct speech and after the punctuation mark that ends the direct speech. I hope that you find this information useful !