Nashwa Youssef
An accredited teacher trainer. A TESOL certified teacher. Supervisor of English. English instructor
Was online last yearTeaches
EnglishSpeaksArabic(Native), EnglishSpecialtiesCertified:TESOLPrepare for examsTalk with peopleLearn basicsFor kidsImprove proficiencyInterests
A mother and a grandmother whose hobby is to read, write articles , enjoy objective literary , and art criticism. I like listening to oriental songs , and music. Watching synchronized swimming , and gymnastics in free time is a pleasure.
A self employed teacher trainer , and instructor of English. Received inservice training sessions by the international bank, and the British Council; Kuwait. Received leadership and management courses. Ended my career in Kuwait as a nominee for supervisor
The facilitator, and demonstrator styles better match my performance . My teaching is learner centered where learners practice critical, and creative thinking. Three types of interaction work well to positively involve learners . Learning by doing , project based , and enquiry based learning make learners learn from their mistakes especially when they try to correct themselves before the teacher's gentle correction takes place. I believe that I successfully teach the four skills, vocabulary, and grammar. I enjoy teaching reading comprehension passages.
Putting the 21st century skills in consideration , allows learners to have a say in their learning, and gets them connect their learning to other subjects, and relate their knowledge to their prior experience, and the real life outside schools as well. Conversation classes are great because when we teach something, we learn it twice.
Caring for the different learning styles and the theory of multiple intelligence is inevitable.