what is the meaning of direct speech
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Direct speech otherwise known as quoted speech is repeating the exact words spoken by someone. Direct speech in its written form or when used in a sentence should be enclosed in quotation marks - (" ") Examples : 1). Tom said, " Miss Brown is always early for class. " 2. She asked, "Do you enjoy reading ?" 3. "It is the weekend, " she sighed, "but I have classes." Take note of the following: 1. Direct speech can be a simple sentence or a question as seen in examples 1 and 2 above, but it can also be divided in parts as seen in example 3 above. 2. The Quotation marks should appear at the beginning of the direct speech and after the punctuation mark that ends the direct speech. I hope that you find this information useful !
- Gaby HCertified Elementary school teacher. Certified primary school teacher.
Direct speech is the reporting of speech by repeating the actual words of a speaker.
Direct speech is reporting or writing a text without changing the original version.
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Start testDirect speech is a written text that reports speech or thought in its original form phrased by the original speaker. In narrative, it is usually enclosed in quotation marks.
Direct speech, the words of the speaker are reproduced without any change. Eg. John said, " I am not well." (Direct speech).
When you want to repeat the exact words said by someone else, we use Direct Speech. Don't forget to use quotation marks "..." when you mean it. For instance: "I'm going to the store", said Brendon.
It is a reported speech by reaping the exact words of the speaker. eg "am playing" she said.
Direct speech is also known as quoted speech. It is the way of representing spoken language within a text or conversation.