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2738 questions about English

  • What advice do you give your students to overcome language learning blocks?
    Best answer

    Dont be afraid to make mistakes when speaking english. Mistakes is the begining of learning.

  • What strategies do you use to differentiate instruction for different levels of proficiency?

    Providing multiple levels of assignments or activities; using a variety of teaching methods such as individualized instruction, small group work, and whole class instruction; and enabling students to choose topics for projects or research papers serve as some examples. Feel free to discuss how you help struggling students and push more advanced ones. Kindly also mention any tools or technologies you've utilized to support differentiated instruction.

    Best answer

    As I have had experience teaching pre-school kids and later elementary level children, I will follow the age level syllabus. Example for beginners, it will be phonics, action songs, flash cards and numbers. They can start writing by tracing the alphabets and three-letter words before they move on to writing. Short stories such as 'the fox and the hound'. 'three little pigs' will teach them words and how to pronounce them. For the older children, they can have grammar lessons, stories, quizzes, riddles, comprehension passages and videos like "Tom Sawyer' or Oliver Twist will give them some interest to learn language as well. For adults, I will give short passages such as from British Council on conversation practice. I will ask them questions such as names, places and any questions based on the story. In this way, I can also listen to how they use the tenses and their pronunciation.

  • he has a nervous habit of scratching his head.
    Best answer

    when he is nervous he has a habit of scratching his head

  • Check your English level for free

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  • how i improve my English level?
    Best answer

    practise makes perfect Afra. through learning and practising everyday

  • On the national day, many people….. the flag from their houses. The correct answer ?
  • HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY TO ALL TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. How would you celebrate this day ???
    Best answer

    I am working today and celebrating by sending my fellow teachers nice messages on whatsapp

  • How you can manage the class to keep students' attention?
    Best answer

    By engaging your student's . involving them and also ensuring that they understand your concept and making the class fun through videos for kids, flash cards.

  • What do you think about ways to prevent language classes from being boring for adults and kids?
    Best answer

    Find out your students interests and hobbies and structure lessons around that. It is fun for the student and the tutor has a progressive lesson. For example discuss the lyrics of a favourite song, or use pictures from a hobbies to spark conversation.

  • Who is interested in learning Arabic language proficiently?
    Best answer

    My name is Mira I'm English and chinese tutor I like learning new languages

  • Happy Teacher's Day to all of us! What is your most memorable teaching experience? 😊Share it!
    Best answer

    Happy teacher's day everyone! A memory that really sticks out happened last year. I was teaching kids about differences, and I asked each student to name 2 things that are different. They said things like 'An apple and a banana', 'a car and a bike', 'a cat and a dog' etc. But one student pointed at me and said 'You and a teacher' Ouch!! XD