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2745 questions about English

  • Why do we use passive voice?
    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence. We often use the passive: when we prefer not to mention who or what does the action (for example, it's not known, it's obvious or we don't want to say) so that we can start a sentence with the most important or most logical information.

  • Why the English language is so important?
    Best answer

    Hi It is known as lingua franca, you can use to communicate all over the world. Globalization made it indispensabile nowadays. Especially for job! Best Regards

  • Describe a project-based learning activity you have used to teach business concepts.

    Project-based learning activities are a great way to engage students in the material and help them understand the concepts in a practical way. Feel free to discuss how you adjusted the project to the interests and skills of the students, as well as the difficulties you encountered and how you overcame them.

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  • What is cleft sentence!
    Best answer

    Cleft sentences are complex sentences that are used to emphasize one particular part of a sentence. They are often used in written English because we cannot use intonation as a means for emphasizing. Here are some examples. Merry hid the diary under the pillow. - cleft sentences - The person who hid the diary under the pillow was Merry./ It was Merry who hid the diary under the pillow. - The thing Merry hid under the pillow was the diary./ It was the diary that Merry hid under the pillow./ What Merry hid under the pillow was the diary./ All Merry hid under the pillow was the diary. - The place where Merry hid the diary was under the pillow./ It was under the pillow that Merry hid the diary. - What Merry did was (to) hide the diary under the pillow. - What happened was that Merry hid the diary under the pillow.

  • How can a student learn new vocabulary outside of class?

    I encourage to keep an English dictionary handy, as as they read they look up words and their meanings, to better understand the text, the storyline and improve their vocabulary. What method do you use?

    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Learning new vocabulary through TED Talks and the news is great, Having a vocabulary note book might sound basic, but students who note down new words daily are much more likely to remember and, more importantly, use them!

  • Why is spelling words correctly in sentence building?

    What are the pitfalls of incorrect spelling?

    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Good spelling is critical for literacy and makes writing easier, allowing the writer to focus on ideas rather than the mechanics of spelling. Learning to spell accurately and automatically is an integral part of learning to read and write, and it enhances language analysis skills.

  • Which one is correct, on the weekend, or at the weekend?

    When do we use on the weekend and at the weekend?

    Best answer

    Hi At the weekend is perfect! Bed Regards

  • How many of you are interested in Picture Composition ?
    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    I am interested because : Composition can make the difference between a good photograph and a great photograph. It is the way you arrange your subject within the frame of the picture and it can tell a story. The more you learn about it, your photography skills will get better along with it.

  • What is phonotics kinds and types?
  • What strategies do you employ to assist students in staying organized and managing their workloads?

    The main goals of business education are to assist students grow as professionals and get ready for the real world. Having plans in place to assist students with workload management and organization is crucial for business teachers. Setting clear expectations at the start of each lesson or course, breaking down challenging assignments into manageable chunks, utilizing technology like task management apps and online calendars, teaching time management skills, and encouraging open communication with my students are some of the strategies I employ. Please feel free to discuss the strategies you employ.