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2745 questions about English

  • Do you know what are Factual or Explicit, questions? They are information stated from the text.

    Asking and answering factual questions helps me make sure I am keeping track of important parts of the story. Also helps me check that I am understanding the text as I go. Read this line and share my thinking with you: "“These cookies smell very good,” said Toad. He ate one. Toad ran to Frog's house. 'Frog, Frog,' cried Toad, 'taste these cookies that I have made'. Frog ate one of the cookies. “These are the best cookies I have ever eaten.” said Frog. - Where is Toad running? - What is he bringing to Frog? If can put the finger on the answer so it must be a factual question. Practice: Write down one question and then have a discussion. • Is your question factual or not? How do you know?

  • What phrase describes someone who is feeling unhappy or depressed?
    Best answer

    Sometimes people say someone is "feeling blue" which is like an idiom for someone who is feeling sad and unhappy.

  • We have different kinds of verbs, But who knows light verbs?

    Try it once.

    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    In linguistics, a light verb is a verb that has little semantic content of its own and forms a predicate with some additional expression, which is usually a noun. Common verbs in English that can function as light verbs are do, give, have, make, get, and take.

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  • when should I use "had been" in English?
  • Hi, As an English teacher and English learner, do you find learning other languages difficult?
    Best answer

    Well, the way I see it, everything is difficult until you master it.

  • How effective is using a popular song text as the basis of a story that the students will tell?

    For example, with my students, we went through the words of The House of the Rising Sun together to find new words. Next, I asked them to describe the protagonist as they imagine him/her to be; age, appearance, personality [e.g. would you invite this person home to dinner? why/why not?]. The result was that we had a lot of fun while having a most productive session.

    Best answer

    Songs and music can certainly be considered as one of the useful language learning tools that aid second language teaching without putting a lot of academic pressure on the learners. Moreover, songs and music can be proven to be an effective listening activity that has multiple benefits to offer.

  • How do you approach learning and practicing English grammar?
  • Are there any English proverbs or sayings you particularly like?
  • Are there specific English expressions or idioms you find interesting?
    Best answer

    There's many a slip, twixt the cup and the lip. It implies or rather means that even though things may seem to be working out well, things can go wrong. Compares or is similar to, Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

  • who can name using languages types?

    If you know write its name.