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2745 questions about English

  • Does teacher centered Approach more effective during teaching?
    Best answer

    I prefer to use a student centered approach when conducting lessons. The main person who needs to understand and learn is the student. To consider all your students interests and the way that they learn. You will be able to teach the student more effectively than using a teach centered approach. Use a approach that favors your student. 😊

  • Parts of speech is divided into...... Parts. Complete the gap.
    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    The parts of speech are commonly divided into open classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) and closed classes (pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles/determiners, and interjections).

  • Classroom rules

    How does any teacher decide what the rules in a class should be, what are the basics?

    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    ●Follow directions quickly. ●Listen for directions. ●Ask for permission in order to leave your seat. ●Respect your teacher, respect others, and respect our school. ●Always, always, always do your best.

  • Check your English level for free

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  • Punctuation Marks - What are these symbols

    What is the function of punctuation marks and why is it important to use them in sentence structure, writing, speaking and reading?

    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    They are: the period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, brackets, braces, parentheses, apostrophe, quotation mark, and ellipsis. If you want to make your writing easier to read and generally look more professional, you should know what each one is and how to use them.

  • Make a sentence with 'utmost'.
  • How can effective business English and engaging conversations elevate your career to new heights?

    Mastering business English helps you communicate clearly and precisely in the professional world. Engaging conversations build strong relationships and highlight your interpersonal skills, leaving a lasting impression. When you excel in these areas, you navigate the corporate landscape confidently, making a compelling case for career advancement. Elevate your career by sharpening these essential language skills today!

  • What is the best way to teach English?

    •Teach relevant and practical content. ... •Use visual aids and gestures. ... •Ensure you use repetition. ... •Choose which mistakes to correct. ... •Simplify language and give demonstrations. ... •Activity one: Simple listening. ... •Activity two: Vanishing whiteboard. ... •Activity three: Personalize the activity

    Best answer

    Ascertain from the outset what the student's English needs are; e.g., do they need to give presentations; go to a job interview at a corporation; or "just" be able to order a meal and a drink in the pub. Then create a lesson plan that concentrates on the use of English in the given situation.

  • What is the best approach to keeping students engaged in the classroom?
    Best answer
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Spark discussion in groups Making room for discussion in the classroom can be a great way to engage your students in the classroom. Enabling your students to discuss something they have an opinion about, or are even passionate about will encourage them to participate in the class. •Begin the lesson with an interesting fact. ... •Exude enthusiasm and engagement. ... •Encourage connections that are meaningful and relevant. ... •Plan for short attention spans. ... •Address different learning styles and multiple intelligences. ... •Turn lessons into games. ... •Turn lessons into stories.

  • Who can explaine sentence kinds from all aspects?
    Best answer

    sentense can be classified based on various aspects. Here is an over view 1. Strucure simplle sentense contains one independent clause compound sentense consists of two or more independent clauses complex sentense contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses 2. Purpose Declarative sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion Interrogative sentense asks a question Imparative Sentence gives a commond or make a request Exclamotory sentense expresses strong emotion or surprise 3. Grammer Function Active sentense : The subject performs the action passive Sentense : The subject receives the action 4. Length short sentence concise and to the point long sentense contains more information and details

  • What is your approach to error correction during speaking activities?

    I believe it’s essential to create an environment where students feel comfortable making mistakes, as this fosters confidence in their language abilities. During speaking activities, I prioritize correcting errors that impede communication or lead to misunderstandings. In these cases, I use techniques such as recasting, which involves repeating the student’s sentence with the correct form while maintaining the flow of conversation. For less critical errors, I take note of them and address them after the activity has concluded. This way, students can focus on expressing themselves without constant interruptions, while still receiving valuable feedback on areas they need to improve. Feel free to discuss your methods for correcting errors made by students during speaking activities.

    Best answer
    Chloe Atamian
    Chloe Atamian Country flag: fr

    I always listen to them and give feedback at the end so they can correct themselves and not being interrupted every minute