What strategies do you employ to assist students in staying organized and managing their workloads?

The main goals of business education are to assist students grow as professionals and get ready for the real world. Having plans in place to assist students with workload management and organization is crucial for business teachers. Setting clear expectations at the start of each lesson or course, breaking down challenging assignments into manageable chunks, utilizing technology like task management apps and online calendars, teaching time management skills, and encouraging open communication with my students are some of the strategies I employ. Please feel free to discuss the strategies you employ.

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1 answer from our tutor

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    •Know the strategy and set goals accordingly. ... •Schedule your time based on your priorities. ... •Be selective as to what meetings you attend. ... •Let things drop off your to-do list. ... •Manage your inbox. ... •Take Breaks. ... •Ask Questions Before Saying Yes. ... •Align How You Spend Your Time With What You Value

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