Happy Teacher's Day to all of us! What is your most memorable teaching experience? 😊Share it!

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8 answers from our tutors

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Happy teacher's day everyone! A memory that really sticks out happened last year. I was teaching kids about differences, and I asked each student to name 2 things that are different. They said things like 'An apple and a banana', 'a car and a bike', 'a cat and a dog' etc. But one student pointed at me and said 'You and a teacher' Ouch!! XD

  • Same to you teacher Jenny

  • The most memorable teaching experience was when my student gave me a letter of appreciation. He deeply realized my effort and teaching.

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  • Happy days to us all colleagues Best Regards

  • For me, it was when I first became a TA in high school. One of the students in my class wasn't grasping the material well and didn't care enough to study, but in class, when I helped them, they would learn a little bit at a time. They still didn't put a lot of effort into the class but they would try when I helped them and over time, they were able to figure some things out on their own without asking me. At the end of the year, I could see how much they improved since they first came into the class and it made me really happy that I was able to help them. I think it's especially memorable to me because this was when I first started assisting in teaching and to be able to effectively do so when it was new to me gave me confidence in myself as well.

  • How far i have come and how much my teaching skills have improved throughout the years. And how flexible it is to sometime want to teach kids and and sometime dealing with adults!

  • Happy to you too, dear Jenny Of course my successful and happy students :D

  • Happy teachers day to everyone! My best memory of teaching is when my kindergarden students gave me a surprise and put together a poster/collage showcasing pictures of myself and all the wonderful times we had.

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