What strategies do you use to differentiate instruction for different levels of proficiency?

Providing multiple levels of assignments or activities; using a variety of teaching methods such as individualized instruction, small group work, and whole class instruction; and enabling students to choose topics for projects or research papers serve as some examples. Feel free to discuss how you help struggling students and push more advanced ones. Kindly also mention any tools or technologies you've utilized to support differentiated instruction.

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As I have had experience teaching pre-school kids and later elementary level children, I will follow the age level syllabus. Example for beginners, it will be phonics, action songs, flash cards and numbers. They can start writing by tracing the alphabets and three-letter words before they move on to writing. Short stories such as 'the fox and the hound'. 'three little pigs' will teach them words and how to pronounce them. For the older children, they can have grammar lessons, stories, quizzes, riddles, comprehension passages and videos like "Tom Sawyer' or Oliver Twist will give them some interest to learn language as well. For adults, I will give short passages such as from British Council on conversation practice. I will ask them questions such as names, places and any questions based on the story. In this way, I can also listen to how they use the tenses and their pronunciation.

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