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2738 questions about English

  • What are contractions? verb "to be" present simple 1. I am 2. You are 3. He is 4. She is 5. It is

    1. I'm 2. You're You are welcome to respond and add more examples if you will.

    Best answer

    1. I'm 2. You're 3. He's 4. She's 5. It's More examples: - they are -> they're - there is -> there's

  • I am a slow learner.

    Some times people talk very fast so I couldn't recognized. How I can reach that pace to understand and speak.

    Best answer

    We are totally different, even our learning paces are different, as a slow learner you ought to use your own pace, don't look at others as it will discourage you.

  • how much time it took to learn a new language?
    Best answer

    The time it takes to learn a new language varies widely depending on several factors, including your native language, the language you're trying to learn, your learning method, and how much time you dedicate to studying and practicing. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few months to several years to become proficient in a new language. It's a gradual process, and consistency in practice is key.

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  • how to respond when someone says welcome
    Best answer
  • I usually use 2 different methodologies for students: 1) free chat or 2) use of business articles

    For free chat, I focus the conversation as a interview type approach until we relate the conversation to their job/studies/life usage. When using articles, I try to select articles related to the goals of their English learning, typically their job or career and we use the readings as vocabulary expansion and speaking fluency. What techniques do other tutors here use?

    Best answer

    i also focus on free chat. the class is more effective when the students are able to talk about what they feel at that moment

  • Why do learners see writing as the most difficult skill?
    Best answer

    Hello there, The reason for this is because they have to think a lot about the grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary and the meaning of each word. In addition to this, they may be worried about editing their work as opposed to speaking.

  • wanna know how to use on and at more especially when talking about time 😕?
    Best answer

    Knowing the difference between "on" and "at" can be kind of tricky sometimes, even for native speakers. When talking about time, I think people tend to be confused between when to use "on" vs "in" as well. It's a matter of how specific the time is. "At" is for a very specific time, exactly when something happens - at 3pm "On" is less specific but narrows down when some thing happens (date, day of the week) - on Monday - on Christmas (day) - on September 1st - on one's birthday "In" is least specific, used for a more general and broad time frame (year, season, time period) - in the 21st century - in 2023 - in the spring - in December - in the afternoon Example of all three: "She turned 21 this year, 'on' May 17th. Her birthday was 'on' a Friday but she had a party 'on' the Saturday following it. Her party was 'in' the evening and started 'at' 7pm." I hope this helps!

  • What do you enjoy about LiveXP the most?
    Best answer

    I just started but I can say it is simple and easy to work with

  • What areas would you like to mostly improve on, in regards to your own teaching style?
  • The best feedback you’ve received from your student/students? 😊
    Best answer

    The best feedback was that i was the best teacher and she now is able to comunicate in english confidently not fearful of making mistakes.