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2744 questions about English

  • Have you ever had a funny or embarrassing language misunderstanding in English?
  • How do you sustain a student who has studied with you for more than a year?

    She has tremendously improved and is more confident. What approach can i take now?

    Best answer

    You can introduce more advanced reading materials, listening exercises, and authentic resources. That way you're exposing her to a wider range of vocabulary and complex sentence structures. Advanced materials can include podcasts, movies, and news articles.

  • What methods have you found most successful in helping students overcome pronunciation challenges?
    Best answer

    They should know phonics first. Usually, I say the words and the student repeats to get it correct. Listening to short stories where the speaker speaks slowly and clearly. I get most of the listening texts from British council. Reading is also one way where the teacher listens and if the student hesitates meaning not sure how to pronounce, the teacher helps out.

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  • How do you effectively integrate cultural aspects into your language teaching?

    To enhance students' understanding and appreciation of the language.

    Best answer

    We all learn better when our brains are stimulated. I think the fact that they are trying to learn means they already appreciate the language. So, I first learn about my learner’s interests and personal hobbies and other aspects of their lives. So that I can tailor the lessons to them. I find that learning about my students’ culture, makes them want to learn more. Then, this helps the see how important it is in their lives because they can now use it daily.

  • What strategies have you found most effective in keeping language learnerns motivated and engaged?

    Especially during challenges or plateaus in learning.

    Best answer

    I usually find that thoroughly explain the scenario whereby that word or phrase would be useful, helps. It brings context into the lesson. I remind them of their goal for learning English, and that it is okay to make mistakes. I am here to help.

  • What is/are unique halloween culture/beliefs/practices in your country?
    Best answer

    In South Africa 🇿🇦, in my local language, we have a cultural name for it, we call it “Digaigai”. It’s a funny 😆 nickname honestly. Some people don’t celebrate it- as you can understand, our country is very diverse. However, you see young people going to school and all dressed up in scary costumes. Most like dressing up as zombies in the part of the country where I come from.

  • share any spooky legend or folklore in your culture. 🎃👻
    Best answer

    In Philippines, we have loads of mythical creatures such as manananggal, kapre, duwende.

  • Homework - How do you deal with a situation where students don't do homework

    They either wait until the last minute or don't do it just because, this is not a formal school etc. Please share how you ensure homework is done for adults.

    Best answer

    You can't force them. You could remind them that doing homework will help them to progress faster, reinforce what they learn in class, etc. If you know what hobbies / interests they have, setting homework tasks that are related to them, might encourage them more, such as a reading task on a topic they like. You could also try to give them short tasks, so it doesn't take them too long. I try to use short listening tasks / videos, which are only 2 / 3 minutes long. However, if they just don't want to do the homework, I don't think they will. Some people just want to learn during the lessons, without any extra work. Conversation lessons might be better for those students. If they want to learn specific things, like grammar and make huge progress without doing their homework, you could remind them that they get out of the lessons what they put in (in a nice way, of course).

  • Managing the language barrier in the classroom and ensuring that all pupils grasp the material

    Feel free to discuss your overall teaching philosophy and how it pertains to English language learners. Discuss how you utilize visuals and real-world examples to ensure that all students are engaged in the session. You can also discuss any particular approaches or activities you employ to help English language learners grasp complicated aspects.

    Best answer

    I have a student who uses a translating app during lessons. I noticed today, she used it less and focused on my instructions and shadowed me in pronunciation. She is making progress though, 2nd lesson, however she really works hard, spends much time practicing what I send as homework..

  • As you know most of students want to know how many sessions can rise their level. What should I say
    Best answer

    It all depends on how much the study/practice English between classes.