share any spooky legend or folklore in your culture. ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‘ป

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In Philippines, we have loads of mythical creatures such as manananggal, kapre, duwende.

  • We have Bonfire Night on 5th November every year. This is because in 1605 Guy Fawkes wanted to harm the King by blowing up the House of Lords in London. He hid explosives under the building, but was caught, and then excecuted. Now, every November 5th each year, we celebrate the foiled plan by letting off fireworks, having big bonfires and sometimes holding Guy Fawlkes contests to see who can make the best puppet in the likeness of Guy Fawkes. It is a spooky story about a secret plot to harm the King and Government.

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