How do you effectively integrate cultural aspects into your language teaching?

To enhance students' understanding and appreciation of the language.

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We all learn better when our brains are stimulated. I think the fact that they are trying to learn means they already appreciate the language. So, I first learn about my learner’s interests and personal hobbies and other aspects of their lives. So that I can tailor the lessons to them. I find that learning about my students’ culture, makes them want to learn more. Then, this helps the see how important it is in their lives because they can now use it daily.

  • First, in our trial lesson, I asked them questions about themselves and I asked questions such as which topic do they want to discuss and which topic which is/are senstive for them to discuss.

  • Here, in my country, we have many cultures. Before the Lunar New Year, we get the students to wear traditional clothes, we also have some short drama and show some videos relating to the festival. This goes on for Hari Raya or Muslim celebration. Next, it will be the East Malaysia harvest festival, called 'Hari Gawai', students wear traditional costumes with head-gear and perform a harvest dance. Next, followed by Diwali a very colorful saree fashion show will be held and lastly Christmas where we have the Nativity play and end up singing carols. We follow the festivals according to the calendar. Children from different ethnic background enjoy wearing traditional costumes. A Chinese girl will wear a colorful Indian costume, a Malay girl will wear a saree and so on. We usually have a few days of holidays before every festival and the activity will be done before we break off for the holiday.

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  • Using different methods such as having free discussions, throwing cultural parties, and creating cultural games can help students share their beliefs and thoughts more freely.

  • First by understanding different cultures and boundaries then sharing them in introspection.

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