Homework - How do you deal with a situation where students don't do homework

They either wait until the last minute or don't do it just because, this is not a formal school etc. Please share how you ensure homework is done for adults.

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You can't force them. You could remind them that doing homework will help them to progress faster, reinforce what they learn in class, etc. If you know what hobbies / interests they have, setting homework tasks that are related to them, might encourage them more, such as a reading task on a topic they like. You could also try to give them short tasks, so it doesn't take them too long. I try to use short listening tasks / videos, which are only 2 / 3 minutes long. However, if they just don't want to do the homework, I don't think they will. Some people just want to learn during the lessons, without any extra work. Conversation lessons might be better for those students. If they want to learn specific things, like grammar and make huge progress without doing their homework, you could remind them that they get out of the lessons what they put in (in a nice way, of course).

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