As you know most of students want to know how many sessions can rise their level. What should I say

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It all depends on how much the study/practice English between classes.

  • It depends. If the lessons are going intensively (3 times a week or more), it is possible to reach the next level in just 3-6 months. If less, it takes more time. But it's also important to know how fast does your student remember the information, how often does he repeat a class material at home and if he has a motivation to study.

  • It all depends on the individual. Some are A1 level some are C1 level. So, if the student is a beginner, he or she has to go through the different levels of grammar and comprehension. He or she has to be tested by giving some homework to gauge to what level he/she reaches. There are also those who want to sit for exams. We can prepare some questions which are related.

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  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    There is no set period of time it all depends on the progress they make in lessons.

  • The number of sessions needed depends on the level on the level of the student and how fast the student is able to grasp the lessons. I believe that every lesson should take a student to another level.

  • This question cannot be answered in a "One size, fits All" category. This has to be addressed on a "Case by Case" basis, in that all students learn at different rates and depend on their dedication and additional factors.

  • It's essential to be realistic with students about language learning. Progress varies from person to person. Generally, it takes consistent effort over several months or even years to reach a higher level. Emphasize that regular practice and dedication are crucial. However, remind them that there's no fixed number of sessions, as progress depends on their commitment and the complexity of the language. Encourage patience and persistence in their language learning journey.

  • As has been stated here, the answer won't be the same for every student, because of the number of different factors involved. However, Cambridge English has a chart you can refer to on this, for the average number of guided learning hours it takes to reach each CEFR level. I can't post the link here, but if you do an internet search: Cambridge English, Common European Framework Guided Learning Hours (from beginner level), you should find it. It states that on average it takes 200 guided learning hours to move from one CEFR level to the next. If a student is having 1 lesson per week, I tell them that realistically it will probably be about 3 months before they feel any real improvement. After all, that's less than 20 hours of lesson time, plus the self-study tasks I give them. Also, most students don't end up having 1 lesson every week, due to their other commitments, sickness, etc. Of course, progress can be faster if they have more lessons, practise a lot in their own time, etc.

  • I would say, "It all depends on you, how you adjust and grasp the lesson" I would also suggest perhaps increasing frequency of lessons, and encourage them to practice on their own, reading, listening to English podcasts, watching English programs etc.

  • It depends on different factors, like their foundation, dedication and the time they spend studying and practicing between classes.

  • As May as they can. We are always learning and sometimes we forget things along the way. I still need to go back to the basics sometimes.

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