What methods have you found most successful in helping students overcome pronunciation challenges?

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They should know phonics first. Usually, I say the words and the student repeats to get it correct. Listening to short stories where the speaker speaks slowly and clearly. I get most of the listening texts from British council. Reading is also one way where the teacher listens and if the student hesitates meaning not sure how to pronounce, the teacher helps out.

  • Hi The best is listening podcasts and shadowing it, that is imitating. Best Regards

  • The simple answer is having more conversations in english, as having to use it more help you to speak better. Also having someone to help you correct yourself is an added advantage.

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  • The key to overcome any language related challenge is to communicate in that language and have a proper guidance regarding the pronunciations and the phrasings. The most successful way I would say is to communicate with the teacher. The language teachers are keen on helping the students to get proficient in the language, due to this the students can take maximum advantage and speak to their teachers. As a teacher I give variety of tasks to my students which requires communication. When my students face pronunciation problems, I guide them and encourage them to speak more. Because to overcome any language related problems, the students must be encouraged to come out of their comfy zone and speak even if it is wrong or not up to the mark, so that they can increase their confidence regarding the language.

  • I instruct them to check their tongue position and stress syllables. Then, we repeat this process and usually by the second or third try, they have improved. I especially love their enthusiasm and we even laugh about it and this gets rid of nerves.

  • I normally use tounge twisters

  • The more they read and listen the better they speak, of course, with practice, and above all make them feel confident to speak through continuous encouragement. When they feel so, they surprise me and even themselves.

  • Doing both listening and pronunciation practice, i find the website youglish.com really useful for that purpose (you can check how different words/phrases are pronounced and do the shadowing). There are some good sources for connected speech/pronunciation practice, i like the way it's taught in American English File textbooks

  • Having them read, teaching phonetics, and checking their pronunciation when they speak can be helpful.

  • I help them using the phonetic alphabet. Speaking slower and allowing them to listen, then read my lips. I have found that allowing them to imitate me and say the word together with them helps them. If it is still difficult for them, I instruct them to check their tongue position and stress syllables. Then, we repeat this process and usually by the second or third try, they have improved. I especially love their enthusiasm and we even laugh about it and this gets rid of nerves.

  • constant reading and repetition. This helps to correct their mistakes.

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