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2729 questions about English

  • Hello students and teachers! what is the difference between the words " inspection and supervision "

    How they are related to education?

    Best answer

    Hello, an Inspection is an act of assessing, among others, the job, objects, systems, people, and buildings to see if orders, quality standards, regulations, laws and rules are being followed. Supervision, on other hand, is an act of giving an oversight on a continuous basis while giving orders and ensuring that they are carried out timeously, effectively and carefully.

  • How do you make your students feel comfortable when teaching?
    Best answer

    I try to get them to relax, explaining that everyone makes mistakes, myself most of all, nobody knows everything, certainly not their tutor, they are up against no deadlines so if things sometimes go slower than they hoped, who cares? Wherever we are headed, we are in it together

  • Favourite grammar skill to teach and why? 😀
    Best answer

    Punctuations, because it saves lives. Let's eat grandma vs. Let's eat, grandma.

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  • Hello, What is the meaning of the word Blandishment?

    What’s the origin and meaning of the word Blandishment And how is it used in a sentence?

    Best answer
    HabibaCountry flag: eg
    ESL teacher

    Simply, blandishment is something nice or attractive you say to someone in order to persuade him to do something. For example: They were surprised by the offer, they couldn’t resist their blandishments.

  • Hi my dear colleages . Do you use any other special platform or any social media? to link live XP?
    Best answer

    Hello Alice. I don't quite understand your question, but I'll try to help. If it's to market one's skills, then you can place ads in other teaching and social media platforms. If it's to teach LiveXP clients, then you'd need to do that using this platform.

  • What’s the meaning of the word Echelon?

    Could someone help with the meaning of the word Echelon and also use it in a sentence.

    Best answer

    Echelon originates from the Latin word of ladder, later it came to be used by the French to be known as the rung of the ladder. when used this way it can be use to talk about "level" "step" or "grade" of something. Here is some examples: The highest echelon of American politics is the president of the United States can invest 1000$ to be part of the high echelon club in our institution.

  • What’s your most liked English speaking country in the world and why? 😄
    Best answer

    Of course England Why! cause where English was born

  • Tutors how you make your language teaching effective to your student?

    give some innovative idea.

    Best answer

    I get to know my students first, then use there experiences and the knowledge I have of them to sight creative examples that they can relate with.

  • Question for students, what is your favorite color?

    Explain why you feel that way for the color you mentioned. Keep in mind giving emphasis or details about why you like something explains alot to the person you are talking to about who you are.

    Best answer

    Green is my favorite color. As nature around us seems in green. Everywhere the green trees and plants in the fields, on the mountains, along the banks of rivers and canals just add beauty to the world. I think this is the green which gives more charm, beauty and attraction to other colors as well. Just imagine a white jasmine flower or a pink rose. How beautiful they look!. We can't see this beauty without green. Moreover, this is the color of spirit and makes me spiritual. I just love this color.

  • How would you describe your day in one word?
    Best answer
