What can we do in the face of extreme weather?
During abnormally high temperatures, frequent wildfires and floods. Extreme weather events are increasing as global warming worsens.
4 answers from our tutors
Best answer
firstly and most importantly stay hydrated!! if you're going out always make sure to wear a hat and sunscreen and check the forecast beforehand then plan ahead and schedule your outdoor activities. You should try to plant as many trees as you can and encourage others around you to do the same, power your homes with renewable energy and invest in energy efficient appliances, rethink your modes of transportation and drive fuel efficient vehicles etc
We have to avoid extreme weather conditions by our behavioural adaptations as physiological adaptations that are God gifted also help in this regard. We should go just for important tasks by wearing outfits according to weather condition and must use sunscreen. Home is the safest place during extreme weather. Eat good and healthy food for enhancing immunity in order to tolerate harsh weather.
- StephanCertified TEFL and ESL Teacher
Growing up in the South African bush with the wildlife we have, I can tell you that the biggest problem people face in dire situations are to panic. A paniced mind doesn't have the ability to function properly, regardless of how well you have prepared for the situation. Try and calm yourself to be in a mental state where you can think and be able to remember what you need to use everything at your disposal more effectively to increase your chances of surviving.
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Start testHi Mmaps, We all have to start preparing and thinking about a plan of action for when the worse happens. We can all make small steps to reverse or slow the pace of climate change. But in reality there's nothing really substantial that you or I can do about it. Governments and big business are the biggest players in this and unless they seriously change there will be nothing we can do but adapt. With some elements being so extreme it may be at times impossible to prepare with material things such as food and water. Educating yourself with first aid could be an important thing to do as you may need to apply it in a disaster. I think being there to support and help within your community is a key point to make. Being there for one another to help and plan out your next steps in a plan for resolution. At times governments can fail the people but i think it is important for people to look after one another.