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2730 questions about English

  • Es correcto? No me importaría tenerun trabajo retador. I would not dare to have a challenging job
  • Hello tutors

    Can you kindly list out few English words that are spelt the same way but are pronounced differently and state the meaning of the words.

    Best answer

    The words with that are written same but differ in meanings are called 'homonyms'. There are many examples, few are listed below: 1) Bat : Animal Bat : A baseball bat 2) Desert : A barren land Desert : When a person leaves the other person alone 3) Lead : A noun, Metal Lead : Guide Someone

  • Directions or Instructions

    What do you understand by the 2 words and why is it that the word directions is used in food recipes and not the word instruction?

    Best answer

    Directions: Tells you how to get to a place. Instructions: Tells you how to do a task.

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  • The best books to learn new vocabularies

    Hi dear Tutor could you suggest me some book to read in English?

    Best answer

    Dear Tutor Grazia, 1. The vocabulary builder workbook 2. English vocabulary in use 3. Building a better vocaulary

  • When to use "which" instead of "that"?
  • They suffers from malaria. What is wrong with the sentence.
    Best answer

    One of the learners' writing mistakes is subject-verb agreement. For example: If the subject is third person singular you add the suffix /S/ at the end of the verb 1-He suffers from malaria. If the subject is plural, you keep it as it is. 2-They suffer from Malaria. Thank you for your question and keep asking.

  • What are your plans for summer? )))))
  • Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs

    What is the difference in the 3 words, also give an example of each. Identify the ones below. Make hay while the sun shines. He or she is a wallflower. Spare the rod and save the child.

    Best answer

    IDIOMS - group of words with different meanings from the actual words, eg. "It is raining cats and dogs." Are cats and dogs actually falling from the sky? no, it just means very heavy rain. The meaning is not literal. For example: It is raining cats and dogs I can't go out today. PHRASE - group of words that makes sense by itself but does not have a subject or verb. Therefore, it is usually used as part of a sentence. Eg. "Sick and tired" - sentence: I am sick and tired of school. This means, I hate school, I can't stand school. PROVERB - short popular saying that usually has some truth or useful thought or some life lessons. For example: "All that glitters is not gold." This means something or a situation may not be as good as it looks or seem. Eg. I purchased this beautiful dress, but the color changed in a week,all that glitters is not gold. Make hay while the sun shine (proverb/idiom He or she is a wallflower (idiom) Spare the rod and save/spoil the child(proverb)

  • Sit down, stand up, bend down

    Why do we say, sit down, when the only way is to sit, cause if you not sitting you are standing. What happens when you bend, can we bend up? then why say down.

    Best answer

    ...and... you can definitely stand down... a verb not necessarily along the lines of physical action - or motion - like standing up, but it certainly has its own different meaning.

  • I will always remember versus I will never forget

    1. What is the difference 2. In what context should it be used, meaning has it anything to do with negative or positive

    Best answer

    It is all about the implication and impact ... The "I will always remember" has a more positive connotation, while the other one has a negative connotation