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2733 questions about English

  • Your students informs you that they want lessons in this or that.

    When lessons start and you have done an assessment of student levels, the picture is vastly different, what do you do?

    Best answer

    Many students' perceived ability to speak English differs greatly from their actual ability. It is an English teacher's job to tell you them how good (or bad) their English is, and to draw up a plan to help them improve. If you are a native English speaker and qualified teacher, you are in a far better position to judge than they are, after all they are the ones who have signed up to learn the language. A student cannot just cherry pick what they want to learn. Learning a language is about learning and using all aspects of the language. So the long and the short of it is, be honest, polite and firm with a student who thinks they can choose to learn some aspects of English over others.

  • how do you know that your student is secure in having chosen you as their teacher

    Give your responses, good or bad, and then what do you do about it?

    Best answer

    His success and confidence will say it louder.

  • Flipping the classroom

    Does anyone know this method of teaching, if so can you explain it?

    Best answer

    Flipping also known as inverting the classroom is a pedagogy-first approach to teaching, in which course materials are introduced outside of class & in class time is repurposed for inquiry, application and assessment in order to better meet the needs of individual learners.

  • Check your English level for free

    Take our quick and free test to find out your current level of English

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  • What do you think about English, is it hard to learn for you or is it easy tell me the reasons why.

    In your explination of why tell me what you find hard about it, is it listening, speaking or reading? what part of your answer do you find hard?

    Best answer
    Jam Loriel
    Jam LorielCountry flag: ph
    ESL teacher

    Growing up, I used to struggle in speaking in English even if I have the ability to write and read in English fluently. My confidence is nowhere to be found. It is not my mother tongue and I do not have someone to communicate with English.

  • How do i teach syntax and lexical

    What is it about about

    Best answer

    The first step is to get the full grasp of what language syntax is and what it is not. Very few students I've taught could distinguish the difference between syntax, semantics, lexicon, morphology or even phonetics. It was all "grammar" to them. The key and the first task of the teacher then is to help students sort through and disentangle those concepts. One cannot start teaching verb tenses, modal auxiliary and other syntactic concepts when the student does not understand what tense, auxiliary verbs etc are in the first place. There is no one to one relationship between syntax and semantics. For example, in English we can refer to future situations in a number of ways, but there is no dedicated future verb tense in the language. There's no "future tense", simple or continuous or perfect or whatever.

  • Hi give me a example with the word "trilogy"
    Best answer

    trilogy: “The third and last movie of the Lord of The Rings trilogy closed the story perfectly.

  • What is the superlative for the word busy?
    Best answer

    The superlative word is busiest and an example of that sentence maybe the following: Jhon is the busiest person I know. Our CEO, Mary Is the busiest person in the company....etc

  • In your opinion, what is the easiest language to learn !
  • As a tutor, which teaching aid do you find most effective in teaching pronunciation?
    Best answer
    Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    Time with my student and sending them out to find other gringos to talk with as early as possible.

  • So, as a Tutorhow many of these tenses do you teach.

    Present Simple I study English. Present continuous I am studying English. Present perfect I have studied English. Present perfect continuous I have been studying English. Past simple I studied English. Past continuous I was studying English. Past perfect I had studied English. Past perfect continuous I had been studying English. Future simple I will study English. Future continuous I will be studying English. Future perfect I will have studied English. Future perfect continuous I will have been studying English.

    Best answer

    It depends in the student's needs.