As a tutor, which teaching aid do you find most effective in teaching pronunciation?
18 answers from our tutors
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Time with my student and sending them out to find other gringos to talk with as early as possible.
Drilling the words for students Drilling vowels for students
Good to know, Mr. James.
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Start testThere are three things that I find indispensable when teaching pronunciation. 1) My own voice. Repeating the word or phrase slowly, and getting the student to say the word slowly and not giving up when they repeatedly get it wrong. this takes a lot of patience and encouragement on the part of the tutor! 2) To write it out, once with proper spelling and then phonetically and saying the phonetic part in chunks, slowly at first student shadowing you with the student shadowing you, gradually speeding up as they slowly make the correct sounds. 3) Part of their homework or extra curricular activities will be to listen to a short podcast (NOT the news) every day WITHOUT any transcript, so that they HAVE TO LISTEN to the sounds of REAL English. While some might complain that it is too hard, you as a tutor have to point out to them that this is what must be done if they are serious about speaking English properly. A little bit of tough love goes a long way sometimes.
Thank you all for your responses...They are educating.
- MelissaCertified ESL and TEFL
writing or reading out a word aloud to your students and asking them to pronounce it after you.
Teaching aid for pronounciation would be vowel sounds.
Pronounciation you need to know vowel sound, vowel sounds are made with the mouth open. Just recite a,e i,o,u
Online dictionary
Hi! As a teacher, I find movies specifically series so helpful in learning English. They are interesting and so instructive at the same time.
Notes, as they break down the words for better understanding