How do i teach syntax and lexical

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The first step is to get the full grasp of what language syntax is and what it is not. Very few students I've taught could distinguish the difference between syntax, semantics, lexicon, morphology or even phonetics. It was all "grammar" to them. The key and the first task of the teacher then is to help students sort through and disentangle those concepts. One cannot start teaching verb tenses, modal auxiliary and other syntactic concepts when the student does not understand what tense, auxiliary verbs etc are in the first place. There is no one to one relationship between syntax and semantics. For example, in English we can refer to future situations in a number of ways, but there is no dedicated future verb tense in the language. There's no "future tense", simple or continuous or perfect or whatever.

  • It's important to remember that everyone learns differently so we should employ a variety of teaching strategies and adapt to the needs and preferences of our students. Effective strategies to teach syntax and lexical - clear explanations of the concepts, visual aids, examples, interactive activities. Syntax is about the rules that govern the structure of words, phrases and sentences and their correct order to form meaningful expressions. Lexical analysis focuses on keywords, identifiers or punctuation marks.

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