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2733 questions about English

  • what kinds of job opportunities are available for an IELTS full band score holder?
  • What are some of your practical ways to make learning fun for your students?
    Best answer

    Hi! the first and most important thing is to create a great relationship with your student. It doesn't matter how old they are. The atmosphere should be so friendly. The second way is to use jokes and humors in your teaching method! If you're teaching grammar, you can give a funny example! And the third one is to use fun materials in your class such as videos, music, pictures, games and others that are your student's favorite.

  • What is an example of teaching materials?
    Best answer

    The first and foremost teaching material is the facial impression of a teacher.

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  • How can I make a plan to teach kids?
    Best answer

    It is important to keep the kids attention. If you’re teaching younger kids keep in mind that they need to be entertained constantly to keep them interested due to a short attention span. You can teach them by using creative methods like the following, turn lessons into songs for example teach tenses by creating a catchy jingle, you can also make use of visual diagrams to illustrate new vocabulary. You can also make use of mnemonic devices to aid in memorising grammer. For older kids it is important to build a relationship with them, this wil create a feeling of respect from student to teacher. Make use of topics that interest them and finally work choice into your lessons, this will make learners want to be more proactive. :)

  • Have you ever missed a lesson or trial, what did you do?
    Best answer

    Thank you Sarah. I am just mad at myself because it was my first student, I will take your advice.

  • What makes student anxious with learning a foreign language?
    Best answer

    The main reason for anxiety when learning a foreign language. Is the fear of negative. Other triggers could be the fear of exams or public speaking.

  • Hi, teachers! What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
    Best answer

    I also learn from them. :-)

  • English learners, have you tried using any AI software to help you learn, like chatGPT?

    For those that have tried, has it been a good or bad experience using AI tools to help you with learning English?

    Best answer

    I also heard about it. It seems to be helping a lot with teacher lessons as well. I need to check it out.

  • How does one get started with getting your first student or lesson on this platform?

    I've been live now for more than a month, but have had any lessons yet. How does one attract students to book a lesson?

    Best answer

    Hi dear! Just try to answer community questions and stay active in your feeds, Students will see your name and will book classes with you!

  • It has been a month since i have been on this website but zero students what could be the problem?
    Best answer

    Hi Karabo, my opinion, humble I might add, is that you review you intro video, thumbnail and photo, if all okay, then practice as much patience as possible.