What do you think about English, is it hard to learn for you or is it easy tell me the reasons why.

In your explination of why tell me what you find hard about it, is it listening, speaking or reading? what part of your answer do you find hard?

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4 answers from our tutors

Best answer
Jam Loriel
Jam LorielCountry flag: ph
ESL teacher

Growing up, I used to struggle in speaking in English even if I have the ability to write and read in English fluently. My confidence is nowhere to be found. It is not my mother tongue and I do not have someone to communicate with English.

  • Every language is a challenge to learn and I have come to notice that a lot of people try to compare it to their native tongues. In terms of english, it is one of the easiest to learn as it does have a better flow, less difficult structure to understand, does not have male and female eliments such as in french or spanish and many more. Learning to speak, though, is easier to read and write as grammar is more of a challenge but also easy.

  • English is also considered to be a challenging language, though not quite as complex as some. Compared to some languages, English has a large vocabulary, tricky grammar, and challenging pronunciation.

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  • In my opinion English is not hard to learn but more challenging to write . The hardest part would be reading because there you would need to know grammar and pronounciation. However languages overall can be hard if it's not your native language. As a tutor its my duty to help you learn the language in all aspect.

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