What is the superlative for the word busy?
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Best answer
The superlative word is busiest and an example of that sentence maybe the following: Jhon is the busiest person I know. Our CEO, Mary Is the busiest person in the company....etc
- SKSazib khan Sazib
The superlative for busy is busiest. A sentence example. I’m driving on the busiest street in town.
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Start testHello Busy bysillable ending in y so you can use short form busiest! E.g. our heads is the busiest in all the department. Best regards
For short words (words with only one or two syllables) you simply add "-est " to the nd of the word. However if the word ends in a "-y" you replace the "-y" with an "-i" and then add "-est". So with the word busy, the superlative will be busiest.
The busiest Example : Mark is known to be the busiest among our friends.
You will drop the [y] and add an [i] followed by an [est]. ex: Busy => Bus-i-est = busiest Sounds: /biz-ee-est/
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
The superlative word is "busiest"
The superlative of the word busy is busiest.