I am a slow learner.

Some times people talk very fast so I couldn't recognized. How I can reach that pace to understand and speak.

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Best answer

We are totally different, even our learning paces are different, as a slow learner you ought to use your own pace, don't look at others as it will discourage you.

  • You aren't a slow learner. Try listening to audio books, it might help.

  • Hello, you're not a slow learner. You just need much more practice. Try to listen to podcasts and also practice listening books which provide you with some related tasks to check your understanding.

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  • Don't worry, it takes time to become fluent with speaking and listening. Take your time, don't rush, find your own pace. I would suggest doing some practices where you are listening to audio where someone is reading an article, then you try to repeat after every sentence.

  • First be comfortable with the teacher. All teachers understand that children and new learners take time to understand the language. So we will speak slowly for the student to grasp what is being said. As a student, you need to watch movies or listen to stories as a practice. If you are unable to catch some of the words don't worry, the teacher is a very patient person and you can ask for the word to be repeated.

  • the more you do listening practice the more you are able to understand ,when native speakers are speaking they are using contractions,connecting speech,phrases . You have to practice connecting speech in order to understand them if you want to speak use smaller sentences . Learners take time to grasp acquisition of required language . "slow and steady wins the race." 😊 be calm and don't get anxious.

  • You should do more listening and read its script while you're listening to

  • Hi, my dear, I understand what you are struggling with at the moment I would love to help you Everyone starts from the beginning and I would like to help you my dear please allow me to help you Regards

  • The best way that we can beat that feeling is to remember that is always depending on the education from the person that is trying to communicate speaking fast is not a standard , the only thing that you need to do is to be understandable.

  • We are totally different, even our learning paces are different, as a slow learner you have to adopt new ways of learning and developing your understanding 🥺😊

  • Practice and practice. With some methods, you could find better pace. Enjoy your time. I hope this help. Thank you.

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