Why do learners see writing as the most difficult skill?

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Hello there, The reason for this is because they have to think a lot about the grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary and the meaning of each word. In addition to this, they may be worried about editing their work as opposed to speaking.

  • Hi there.. Learners see writing difficult because it requires vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure and also poor planning and organization skills could be the factors of writing difficulty.

  • The reason is that why students are not able to write or it seems most difficult task for them? because writing something on topic is a art of mind.for writing any sort of topic one must have collection of ideas about the topic then he or she can write good on that topic otherwise you could not express your ideas unless you have ideas about the topic.if students are really interested in writing then they must begin their reading, the more you read the more you write. Because when you start your reading such sort of information you will get about the topic then you would have a lot of ideas to write and produce your thoughts. And before writing about any topic or essay through go about that topic read about that four to five times from books or Google and get information about that topic from your friends, parents teachers and google. Then start your writing about the topic afterwards easily you will be able to write and express that topic very well.

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  • Hellow. I think it is because of the fear of getting it all wrong. I mean when writing you have to think about what you are writing about and still ensure that you writing acceptable and readable language. That is hard when you are still learning the language.

  • Hi Hi believe that writing requires a good grammar, style and lexicon at the same time Bed Regards

  • Language is a game if you like you will learn it

  • As a experienced English teacher it is due to the grammar and the way sentences are formed that makes learners less confident.

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