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2733 questions about English

  • Languages you’ve found difficult and easy to learn?
  • What countries fascinate you the most? 😊
    Best answer

    Latin-American countries fascinate me the most, especially Mexico. In the modern day and age the country is overshadowed by the cartels but a lot of people tend to forget about their rich culture and history when doing research and learning.

  • Tutors, where are most of your students from? 😊🌎
    Best answer

    I only have one student, and she's from Russia

  • Check your English level for free

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  • What is the best way to make young students feel more comfortable in your class ?
    Best answer

    To be a teacher of young children, one must be like one of them. One needs to be a child as well. Have fun teaching, be silly, be kind, be funny and you will have them in the palm of your hand.

  • Share your best lesson experience on this platform 🙂 How was it? what was the lesson about?
  • What is the best way to teach grammar?
    Best answer

    Expressing that a particular way or technique is the most effective is challenging because what works for one student or group, may not work for others. Nevertheless, the following suggestions might prove useful: *Establish the context clearly and carefully before diving into the main lesson to ensure that students understand the objectives of the task; *Present the grammar by providing sample sentences, explanations, comparing and contrasting with the learners' native language (if possible), offer texts that highlight the target grammar; *Ultimately, the results should be evident in students' written and/or spoken production. Assessing their learning progress through "assessment for learning" can greatly assist in determining the extent to which learning has occurred. Finally, it is beneficial for teachers to reflect on the lesson, preferably immediately after it concludes -for higher retention- to be capable of preparing more productive lessons for the future.

  • Do you think cartoons can improve your child's English speaking skill?
    Best answer

    Absolutely! I grew up in an English speaking country but the influence cartoons had on my command of the language is undeniable. Children pick up phrases and even onomatopoeias from shows and use them in their daily conversations.

  • Do you prefer using course books as a material for online classes?
    Best answer

    I like both methods.

  • What is your advice to someone who wants to learn your native language?
    Best answer

    Start slow and take your time, but have fun while learning. 😊

  • Do you know any podcasts that IELTS candidates can listen to sample answers for speaking?

    For example, on castbox I have started answering sample questions:

    Best answer

    My suggestion is BBC Podcasts