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2738 questions about English

  • I am wondering what is the meaning of "XP" in Live XP?
    Best answer

    It could mean a variety of things 🤠! “Experience” is the most likely best meaning of the ‘XP’. Both for the students and the teachers!

  • How do you spur yourself on? Do you use the same techniques for motivating your students?
    Best answer

    Each student is different. It is important to get to know your students individually and the things that motivate or excite them. An individual approach to each student is very beneficial.

  • What's the difference between “allow” and “let”?
    Best answer

    Hi dear, both have nearly the same meaning. The differences are: 1. Grammatically. Allow somebody to do something. Let somebody do something. 2. "Allow" is more formal than "let"

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  • How to say hi in french
    Best answer
  • Syntactic Analysis of sentence

    I need to make a syntactic analysis of this sentence: "Without sustained immigration, economic growth will be notably slower." Can anyone help me? There is the following options: o, x, ⊗, Δ, □, ∼∼∼, Conjuction

    Best answer

    Hi Julius, I'm not sure about what level of syntactic analysis you want, but look at this: "Without sustained immigration," is a relative clause containing a preposition-adjective-noun, "economic growth will be notably slower." Is an independent clause containing an adjective-noun-future auxiliary-to be-adverb-adjective. Hope it helps!

  • My children My kids Which one is correct and why ?

    As parent

    Best answer

    My children is formal and correct whereas my kids is informal.

  • Friendly or Stern. Which approach works for you?

    Being a parent myself, I find that a friendly approach with boundaries works for me.

    Best answer

    Hi It depends on the different situations. Sometimes you need both. Sometimes they exclude each others Best regards

  • Are routines advisable for students with ADHD?

    Students with ADHD can sometimes become restless, nervous and confused when doing something new. Getting them into a routine can get them into a habit of doing something a certain way and in this way, they become more relaxed. I appreciate your thoughts on this.

    Best answer

    I see many responses addressing "what to do with children with ADHD" here, so first let me address the fact that this condition is not something that a person has in one part of their life. It is something they live with their entire life, and so does not simply "go away" as an adult. That is a huge misconception that needs to be completely eradicated from thought. Next, let's make clear that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brains ability to communicate with itself or other parts of the body. It's a regulatory disorder. In other words, a person has an inability to regulate body processes (impulsivity), time, attention, etc. For this reason, routine and schedules are a HUGE way to help manage this condition. For more info, check out my Instagram @adhdteachersunite.

  • Let’s play with words :) Which word is correct? “I can __ you” A) here B) hear
  • Has it been proven that human have only 20 minutes concentration span?

    In my opinion, it is entirely up to the individual. You have to do what you set your mind to do.

    Best answer

    This idea has been an oversimplified notion. We must remember that attention span varies significantly from person to person and depends on various factors including age, individual characteristics and the nature of the task.