Are routines advisable for students with ADHD?

Students with ADHD can sometimes become restless, nervous and confused when doing something new. Getting them into a routine can get them into a habit of doing something a certain way and in this way, they become more relaxed. I appreciate your thoughts on this.

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I see many responses addressing "what to do with children with ADHD" here, so first let me address the fact that this condition is not something that a person has in one part of their life. It is something they live with their entire life, and so does not simply "go away" as an adult. That is a huge misconception that needs to be completely eradicated from thought. Next, let's make clear that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brains ability to communicate with itself or other parts of the body. It's a regulatory disorder. In other words, a person has an inability to regulate body processes (impulsivity), time, attention, etc. For this reason, routine and schedules are a HUGE way to help manage this condition. For more info, check out my Instagram @adhdteachersunite.

  • Yes. They can actually help to reduce the levels of ADHD being that there is a practice being involved.

  • Routine and procedures works well when dealing with children eith ADHD.

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  • Routine and structure is a definite must. Both my step daughter and step son have ADHD. It also helps to be patient with them while they are learning to prevent meltdowns.

  • Routines are so helpful and most kids with ADHD hate them :) As a parent, I prefer to harness the times when learning is easier and not push too hard when it’s not the right time. The routines I save for everything outside of learning, and try to avoid stressing everyone out by blinding sticking to a plan.

  • Yes dear, ADHD students usually have problems with time management, organization, and focus. Having routines could help the student to increase their self-regulation. But it's important to add although routines could be helpful, students shouldn't be forced to keep their routine every exact day. There should be flexibility for them. This way, they learn how to manage the unexpected issues into their schedule.

  • Hello Hotensia, these are some suggestions that might work for ADHD children I know because I am a special educationist as well. Build strong relationships with the child's parents, Effective seating arrangement, Break assignments into smaller parts, and less distractions

  • students with ADHD get 1. distracted easily and 2. don't study without a strict deadline. for the first problem we have to tie their homework with one of their hobbies. like listening to music while studying and such. it depends on the student. so make sure you know what interests them. and for the second one, you HAVE to give them deadline for each homework, or they won't bother doing it. so in my opinion, routines are a must. and if a routine has both these points, the chance of engaging the students increases.

  • Hello, students with ADHD needs strict rules and routines so they know what to do and how to work on the tasks. Routines help build good habits.

  • Routine is a must, my son was ADHD, and every teacher advised same.

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