How do you spur yourself on? Do you use the same techniques for motivating your students?

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Each student is different. It is important to get to know your students individually and the things that motivate or excite them. An individual approach to each student is very beneficial.

  • I use different techniques depending on the student. I also make sure all of my techniques are authentic

  • First question - If you don't want to be a teacher, you are wasting your time trying. Second question- you need too make the lessons interesting to help motivate them. Having said that, they should have their own motivation too.

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  • To answer the first part of your question, which then comes into effect with the latter part of it... I always keep my "goal" in mind, the reason why I decided to teach and that keeps me motivated. So when it comes to motivating my students, I always try to go back to their goal for learning and if we have not reached that goal then we have to keep going. It's very important that when discovering the student's goal, you try to understand their personality and their preferred way of learning, in that way you're able to motivate them based on personal goals and use techniques that will be effective for that particular student.

  • I would say, to keep your student focused and interested, keep changing techniques, gauge by the level of interest/behavior and you will know to change up the techniques. Ask your student what they would want to do in that lesson, or sometimes just talking instead of teaching is also a lesson.

  • We first need to welcome the students whether they are children or adults. Getting to know them and showing some interest in them is a good way of having a good connection with them. I use a softer voice level for very young ones so that they do not get upset with a loud spoken teacher. Though I have taught a class full of thirty students, I will first enter the class by standing at the door, this ensures the students that I am already there. Everyone stands up to greet me, I return the greeting too. We can't use the same techniques for the students. Each student has his or her own desire to learn. Some want to follow the books, some enjoy watching videos and listen before the lesson. Some need extra help as we know children learn better with motivation and praise. We should know the level and plan the lessors so that they get want they are looking for. Lessons have to be taught according to the syllabus, however, not all can do the work at the same time. Some of them need help.

  • It depends on different aspects, there are different kinds of learning styles, for example: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. So after checking the learning style of the student I can apply on methodology or another or a mix of these.

  • I use different techniques but it truly depends on the student. Many different people have different learning styles

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