Does teacher centered Approach more effective during teaching?

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I prefer to use a student centered approach when conducting lessons. The main person who needs to understand and learn is the student. To consider all your students interests and the way that they learn. You will be able to teach the student more effectively than using a teach centered approach. Use a approach that favors your student. 😊

  • It depends on the nature of the lesson, but overall student centered approach is vital for concept checking and confident language capabilities.

  • It depend on many factors but, my final answer is, generally no. How do you expect someone to learn something without engaging them. I don't deny the fact that teacher is the person with the knowledge but let's be realistic, which one can be more effective? 1. when the teacher tells you a new word and tells you how to use it. 2. When the teacher brings you to a point where your mind is looking for a specific word, but doesn't know, so you're mind is thirsty to learn it. The teacher then helps you to find the answer (not giving you the answer)

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Teacher-centered learning is used frequently and is certainly more effective than student-centered learning in some cases.

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