What is your approach to error correction during speaking activities?

I believe it’s essential to create an environment where students feel comfortable making mistakes, as this fosters confidence in their language abilities. During speaking activities, I prioritize correcting errors that impede communication or lead to misunderstandings. In these cases, I use techniques such as recasting, which involves repeating the student’s sentence with the correct form while maintaining the flow of conversation. For less critical errors, I take note of them and address them after the activity has concluded. This way, students can focus on expressing themselves without constant interruptions, while still receiving valuable feedback on areas they need to improve. Feel free to discuss your methods for correcting errors made by students during speaking activities.

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Chloe Atamian
Chloe Atamian Country flag: fr

I always listen to them and give feedback at the end so they can correct themselves and not being interrupted every minute

  • Hi Nick, it is different from student to student, I found with younger students, error correcting was left towards end of lesson, but with praise to build confidence and with older students , perpetually throughout the lesson as they speak.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Give students a chance, and time, to correct themselves. Often by just raising your eyebrows or repeating the mistake students will know what you mean and back track to correct the error themselves. Some teachers create all sorts of hand signals to

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