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3172 questions about English

  • Dobrý den, nějaký lektor se znalostí právnické angličtiny? Hello, any teacher with legal english?
  • What does this expression mean? I have some errands to run
    Best answer

    👋🏻 Hi Pablo, If you have errands to run, it means that you have to do things in town for the benefit of the household. I hope this helps. 😀

  • I was continuing my classes with a livexp teacher named honelyn from Phillipino.

    I have completed only seven class out of 20 class. she is now out of track with live xp. I could not find out her todays situation. can you please help me in this regards?

    Best answer

    Hello! We're sorry to hear about this. Try to contact your tutor via messenger. If you don't receive any reply, contact Support by clicking on the green button "Need help?" -> "Contact support."

  • Check your English level for free

    Take our quick and free test to find out your current level of English

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  • Hello everyone, How can I find teacher and student community questions to answer?
  • How can I find students? Thank you for your answer/s.
    Best answer

    HI Miss Chen, Here are the tips on how to find or attract students. 1. Enable instant lessons. 2. Dedicate yourself to trial lessons. 3. Write articles for Livexp blog. 4. Make your content presentable. 5. Prepare for lessons. 6. Reply to student's questions in the " Community Questions" section. 7. Pay attention to your lesson success rate. If you have more questions , don't be afraid to raise it up to Contact support and to the FAQ because they are ready to help you. Miss Chen, I hope that I exactly answered your question. And thank You for your Question too. I hope that you are doing good. God bless

  • What does the phrase "don't be mean" mean?

    What is "don't be mean"? Is it an informal phrase?

    Best answer

    👋🏻 Hi Columbus, If someone says, "Don't be mean," they want to discourage you from hurting someone's feelings. I hope this helps. 😀

  • hi, I am an English teacher. how can I find students?

    hi, I am an English teacher. how can I find students?

    Best answer

    Dear Angelina! You must finish the tutor registration flow to start teaching and getting students on LiveXP. Right now, your account isn't a tutor's profile. When you complete the registration flow, you can share your profile link on the Internet, answer questions in the Community section, and write articles for the blog. Check more pieces of advice in our FAQ.

  • What does an opposing viewpoint mean?

    What is an opposing viewpoint? I have a task to find it in the text. How to distinguish it?

    Best answer

    👋🏻 Hi Ewan, An opposing viewpoint is a difference of opinion about something. I hope this helps. 😀

  • What is beaner?

    Is beaner a slang word or informal? How to understand it?

    Best answer

    👋🏻 Hi Oliver, In American English, a beaner is a Mexican. I discourage you from using this offensive language. I hope this helps. 😀

  • HOW How will I know if a student has booked?
    Best answer

    You'll be notified at the moment your student connects with you.