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2726 questions about English

  • 'Lesson plans' is an essential part of teaching, What would you consider when planning lessons?.

    These are some things that I would consider: Who are my students, aim of the lesson.

    Best answer

    These are some points that you should take into consideration: 1- write meaningful aims and learning outcomes. 2- plan ahead for language and potential problems in the lesson. 3- focus on the target language, form, and pronunciation beside the language area and use. some teachers prefer to do their lesson plan in more detail others might be happy with just a few notes. Thank you for asking.

  • What is your approach for teaching speaking skills ?

    As for me , we usually have debates on topics the students are passionate about.

    Best answer

    I try to make sure that the student understands that to start speaking he/she has to literally start speaking! Even though it sounds funny, without getting over your fear of making mistakes and sounding stupid, one will never learn how to speak. And my job is to encourage the student all the way.

  • How can we overcome the speech anxiety?

    I see that whenever I get a chance to speak in public or in a group or I head a meeting, my heart beat goes high and my voice becomes vibrated...

    Best answer

    I have had many students with this problem and we have gradually solved by transmitting confidence to the student. To be honest, here the teacher plays an important role. I would even say that many times the reason for this anxiety comes from some bad experience with not very patient teachers in their past. We can somehow make the students feel comfortable and lose the fear of making mistakes, which is mainly the reason for their anxiety. If I had to somehow advise a student for not suffering from speech anxiety I would just tell them to think that nobody speaks perfectly even native people don't. I would recommend that they breathe slowly and relax. A good teacher is quite important. On the other hand, not only teachers have to be patient but also students have to take their time as well. Speaking a second or third language takes its time. My best wishes

  • Check your English level for free

    Take our quick and free test to find out your current level of English

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  • Grammar Translation Method or Direct Method, which one do you favor? Justify your answer.
    Best answer

    Both methods achieve different goals. The Direct Method focuses more on developing your speaking capabilities and for learners to get an intuitive sense of the language. The Grammar Translation Method focuses more on the literary aspect. It helps learners understand the structure of the language for analyzing literature and form. It does not help learners easily develop their speaking capabilities and can be tedious so I personally favor the Direct Method

  • What makes you a better conversationalist?
    Best answer

    You become a better conversationalist by speaking clearly and concisely, paying attention to what the other person is saying, engaging in conversation with people without difficulty, whether the topic is lighthearted or serious, knowing when to conclude the talk so that everyone is satisfied, and having a strong sense of humor.

  • What are the 4 types of English language?
  • Share your favorite Christmas idioms.

    I like these : 'The more the Merrier' and 'The proof is in the Pudding'.

    Best answer

    The most wonderful time of the year

  • Do you think English learning has a 'modern' method that is better than traditional methods?
  • Hello, everyone. Would you like to learn Urdu and Punjabi in easiest and friendly way!
  • Hello, I would like to ask if there is a huge difference in words between British and American thx
    Best answer

    Hi there Alenka. Generally speaking it is just the spelling of the words that differ. For example: American english: Color British english: Colour You'll see this trend with some other words that are normally shortened in American spelling. But the meaning doesn't normally change. I hope this helps