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2726 questions about English

  • What country would you like to see in 2023?
    Best answer

    Turkey! I'd like to improve my Turkish.

  • What's something you can eat for a week straight?
    Best answer

    Definitely fried chicken or pizza

  • Which is the best online TEFL provider? I would appreciate if you help me!!

    A TEFL provider who is: *level regulated *reputable *fully accredited *self paced *Online employers would accept the course

    Best answer

    International Open Academy

  • Check your English level for free

    Take our quick and free test to find out your current level of English

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  • Does saying an object A is uglier than object B means that object B is ugly as well ?
    Best answer

    No, it does not mean that object B is ugly. The adjective ugly is used as a measure of opinion.

  • Do you think 'New Years' resolutions are effective?, and also what are alternatives to resolutions?.

    Share your thoughts.

    Best answer

    I believe resolutions comes from mind and passion. Every day could be a new year, if you are passionate about your goal.

  • Do you think disruptive students can actually change if treated better by their tutors?
  • Do you think incorporating fun in teaching will produce good results?

    Students gravitate toward teachers who are actually fun, easygoing, and efficient too.

  • How do u say I love you in French
  • Trust our brains or force our thoughts?

    I think the human method is the we learn as an infant to speak our mother observation trial and error accompanied by a "teacher" praising your achievements and educating you on your errors. Instead of forcefeeding rules and Grammer in a do or die method?

    Best answer

    You know, the fact is that when we learn our mother tongue we have a strong intuition power and we don‘t learn a language, but we acquire it. later when we grow up, we start to learn, and because we have so many thoughts our intuition power decreases dramatically, and it takes years of meditation till we can improve our intuition power. I always say to my students if you feel what I taught you then my job is done. But we can’t change our students and we can’t explain to them how much intuition power is important, and I mean if you tell them to try to feel the lesson they don’t understand but I tell them because maybe one day they can feel it. but grammar(structure and context of use), and vocabulary needed to be memorized whether it be intuitively or by repeating and practice if we can explain the fact to them that the secret of reminding is that *it must be based on intuition* then we can help them to learn faster and more productive.

  • Changing county and culture or falling In love with a non native English speaker will teach you fast

    One is sink or swim learning to survive and the other is passion and emotionally driven... Which one will have a better long term effect on the capability on speaking the language better?

    Best answer

    Even though both won't be incapable of communicating the language, the learner who is driven by passion and emotion will reach fluency and accuracy quicker. Somebody that's willing to do something because they genuinely want to will achieve better results when compared to somebody that's 'sink or swim' learning. Investing time and strengthening focus when learning a language will help tremendously. Most of all, have fun!