Hello students and teachers! what is the difference between the words " inspection and supervision "
How they are related to education?
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Hello, an Inspection is an act of assessing, among others, the job, objects, systems, people, and buildings to see if orders, quality standards, regulations, laws and rules are being followed. Supervision, on other hand, is an act of giving an oversight on a continuous basis while giving orders and ensuring that they are carried out timeously, effectively and carefully.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
inspectors do not necessarily inspect their subordinates, while supervisors inspect their subordinates.
Inspection refers to a process of examining or reviewing something very carefully to assess the quality or condition, or compliance with certain standards or requirements. Inspection involves observation, analysis and evaluation. Sample: A building inspector visits a construction site to examine the structure's safety and adherence to building codes. Supervision It is involved in overseeing or monitoring the activities of others to ensure they are performing correctly, efficiently and in line with established guidelines or expectations. Sample: A supervisor in a manufacturing plant overseas the workers on the production line to ensure they follow proper procedures and maintain productivity... ok?
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Start testInspection, that is checking what has been done Supervision, when you show and manage what needs to be done
Inspection is a part of administration of education. Though there is a vast difference between inspection and supervision, they are used interchangeably. The concept of inspection has to be transformed to one of a healthy supervision and guidance. Supervision is to a large extent, a matter of professional relationship between supervisor and the teacher. So supervision is a dynamic process like education.
Inspection means to examine something or someone in order to announce a well-thought conclusion or judgment. And there is an end to it which is a final result or an opinionated judgment. Supervision is a refreshing and continuous process in which a project, an act, or a process is observed and directed. And the direction comes after an observation. This direction+observation will be executed in a loop and it may get done in one act or project but is generally used as a stack of experience even for future/similar conditions in life.
Hello, the word inspection means, a process or a method of verifying qualities, conditions or status of a certain subject/object, while supervision is a tool to oversee a group of a person, it also serve as giving guide or directions.
Inspection: to examine carefully. You inspect a student work to be sure he carried out the task correctly. Supervision: from the word supervise which means to observe and to direct. You supervise a student task so he doesn’t go off track
Inspection is used to talk about careful examination But supervision is the act of supervising someone