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2732 questions about English

  • The correct pronouns for non-gender words

    If there is the word “customer” for instance, which doesn't have any gender, should we say and write “he/she”, “his/her” or it's better to always say “they/their/them”? .... “The user claims that their account...” is it a better way?

    Best answer

    If the noun reference is generic you can use he, she or singular they. Even "he or she" will work. The choice is entirely up to you and there isn't one which is more or less correct than the others. I know of some modern writers who seem to lean towards "she" (Pinker, Sapolsky to name the few I read recently), while writers of the past used "he" . You won't find "she" or "they" for generic references in older writings.

  • Hi students! What is the most challenging part of your English Learning Process?
    Best answer

    Learning English can be very scary, simply because it would be a foreign language and as a result a student can get very scared and their self esteem would go down, so what is needed in a teacher is patience, understanding, motivation, encouragement, praise and a smile goes a long way even though a student has said some few incorrect vocabularies, level of trust is gained when a teacher is understanding and does not judge the student then a teacher student relationship can develop and then a student will at the end will be fluent in English speaking.

  • How do you, students, choose your teacher?
    Best answer

    I believe that the first impression lasts, a student will choose a teacher whom they will feel comfortable with and someone who is welcoming and who does not judge them if they make mistakes

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  • What is your ultimate goal as a teacher?
    Best answer

    To make a difference in someone else’s life and to get to know people from around the world and to build great relationships

  • What is the difference between idiom and phrasal verb?
    Best answer

    Idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the literal definition of the word used. For example “kick the bucket” means to die but the literal meaning of the individual words does not convey this idea. Phrasal verb is a verb that is composed of a main verb plus one or more particles for example phrasal verb “give up” to stop trying, but the individual words “give” and “up” do not convey the meaning on their own.

  • What is the meaning of imploded?
  • What is the difference between "submarine" and "submersible"?
  • Teaching learners

    Hello fellow teachers, how many of us have already started teaching on the platform? How many are brand spanking new Teachers? How many students are you teaching?

    Best answer

    Hi there I am new on this platform . Haven't had any students yet .

  • Why does some people get confuse with following words *quite* and *quiet*?
    Best answer

    Students get confused due to their close pronunciation.

  • What is the difference between leaf and leave?
    Best answer

    Leaf - is the green part of a tree or plant Leave- is to go