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3194 questions about English

  • How would you correct this? Lady V, an avenger of abusers who, tired of the injustices around her..
    Best answer

    Lady V is an avenger who has grown tired of the injustices that surround her.

  • Do you agree with "students texting us to ask their problems or get help from teachers"?

    In my opinion, we are here to help the students, so there is no problem if we can help them even before booking the class and starting the course, the flourishing of knowledge is to spread it.

    Best answer

    I agree because my mission is to help students the best way I can which includes paying attention to their problems

  • Could you name some of the useful games that you use in online classes?

    I personally use esl online games

    Best answer

    hang-man is a great game to use for young learners, there are plenty of ESL games you can find Online.

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  • How to cater for the mental health of learners all the time?
    Best answer

    By being understanding and accepting 😊

  • Could you share some resourses to read or watch different topics in English to discuss in class?

    May be YouTube channels, web sites, anything. I woud be very grateful!

    Best answer
  • What do you do with an ESL student who cannot read or write in any language?

    It is extremely difficult to instruct students who lack literacy abilities. This is sometimes attributed to a lack of education in the native nation. There are strategies for assisting kids who have little or no literacy in their home language or English. Here are some tips:  Modified scheduling  Condensed remedial courses that can catch students up to their grade levels  Thematically organized curriculum. Fewer topics, more time  Team teaching  Providing training in ESL techniques for mainstream teachers  Collaboration of ESL and mainstream teachers, common planning and discussion, ongoing communication via e-mail about weekly language and content development planning Newcomer programs within a school aimed at building academic foundation for students with interrupted formal education: access to literacy development, English acquisition and core curriculum  Explicitly teaching SIFE students studying skills  Extended-day opportunities  After school tutorials and programs

    Best answer

    I want to believe it will be an extreme challenge but the better way is to see what the stundent interests are,then youtube video suggestions will be a must as a way to work on the stundent improcement

  • How do you keep students engaged in an online learning environment?
    Best answer

    Give them a lot of opportunities to exxpress themselves. Tailor the lessons so they are interesting and engaging. If it is a child play games etc.

  • Is anyone using the Rugby World Cup currently underway as a teaching tool? (Go the All Blacks!)
    Best answer

    Hey everyone. I'm new here, so the short answer is no :). The rugby, well I don't really know what's going on there but my husband makes us watch it and we love spending time as a family. #GoBokke

  • "extinguishes lungs" or deflates lungs when we talk about phosphorus bombs harmful effect on lungs?
    Best answer

    Hi Utku, so when we are chatting about the impact of phosphorus bombs on the lungs, we'd typically say it "burns" or "inflames" the lungs rather than using terms like "extinguishes" or "deflates". Those words sound a bit too technical for a casual conversation. Phosphorus bombs are nasty, and they can cause serious damage by burning or irritating the lungs. It's like they pick a fight with your respiratory system, and nobody wants that. Stay safe, alright? :)

  • What makes you hard to learn or understand "BAHASA" or Indonesian language? Feel free to share.
    Best answer

    Mostly because we need real-life native friends, the lack of daily chit-chat with Indonesian pals makes it a tad challenging. Imagine trying to learn slang without having anyone to chat with - not impossible, just a bit lonely in the linguistic journey. :)