"extinguishes lungs" or deflates lungs when we talk about phosphorus bombs harmful effect on lungs?
3 answers from our tutors
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Hi Utku, so when we are chatting about the impact of phosphorus bombs on the lungs, we'd typically say it "burns" or "inflames" the lungs rather than using terms like "extinguishes" or "deflates". Those words sound a bit too technical for a casual conversation. Phosphorus bombs are nasty, and they can cause serious damage by burning or irritating the lungs. It's like they pick a fight with your respiratory system, and nobody wants that. Stay safe, alright? :)
Deflated lungs or collapsed lung but not due to phosphorous bombs. This is due to pneumothorax or atelectasis due to air entering the pleural space.
Hi Utku. To extinguish means to put out/erase so I wouldn't say that is the correct term to use when talking about effects on lungs. I'm not sure what the effects of phosphorus bombs are on the lungs, but if you mean to say that they can cause injuries to the lungs and make them collapse, then deflate could be the right word. However, I think collapse is more common.
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